Chinese Learn Chinese: Physical Sensations and Perceptions

Collection of Chinese words related to physical sensations and perceptions. Enhance your understanding of these concepts in the Chinese context.

味道 (wèi dào)

The Chinese word for taste is '味道', which is mainly used to describe the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the feeling or experience from a situation or event.

梦想 (mèng xiǎng)

In Chinese, 'dream' is translated as '梦想'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to ambitions or aspirations. Often used with '的' (possessive particle) to indicate someone's dream, e.g. '他的梦想' (his dream).


The Chinese term '热' can be used in similar ways to the English word 'heat'. It refers to the sensation or condition of warmth or hotness. It can also represent a high degree of excitement, enthusiasm, or emotional intensity.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '累' is used similarly to the English word 'tired'. It is used to describe a feeling of needing rest or sleep because of hard work or lack of sleep. It can be used in a variety of situations just like in English, for example: 'I'm very tired' could be translated to '我非常累'.

规律 (guī lǜ)

The Chinese word '规律' is used to describe something that follows a fixed pattern or a repetitive sequence. It is often used to describe things like habits, routines or systems that have a consistent and regular manner of operation or behavior.

Example sentences with  规律
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