Chinese Learn Chinese: Personality

This page contains a collection of Chinese words related to personality. Improve your vocabulary and understanding.

严肃 (yán sù)

The Chinese word for 'serious' is '严肃'. This term is generally used to describe someone who is solemn, earnest, dedicated, or someone who takes their work or responsibilities seriously. It's often used in both a professional and personal context.

便宜 (pián yí)

The Chinese word '便宜' (pronounced as 'pián yí') is used to describe something that costs little money or less than usual. For example, if you want to say 'This shirt is cheap', you would say '这件衬衫很便宜' in Chinese.

Example sentences with  便宜
勇敢 (yǒng gǎn)

The Chinese word for brave is '勇敢' (yǒng gǎn). It is used in the same way as in English, to describe someone who is not afraid to do difficult or dangerous things. It can be used in various contexts, and it represents a universally acknowledged virtue.

勇气 (yǒng qì)

In Chinese, '勇气' (yǒngqì) is used to express the concept of 'courage' or 'bravery'. It refers to the mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. It is often used in contexts where one has to face tough situations, make difficult decisions, or overcome fear.

Example sentences with  勇气
善良 (shàn liáng)

In Chinese, '善良' means kind. It is often used to describe someone's personality or attitude. It depicts a person who is well-meaning and shows compassion and understanding towards others. It can be used in various contexts, such as '他是个善良的人' which means 'He is a kind person'.


The Chinese word '好' translates to 'nice' in English. '好' is a commonly used adjective that describes an object, person, place, event, or situation that is pleasant, likeable, or agreeable. The usage of '好' in Chinese is similar to the way the word 'nice' is used in English.

害羞 (hàixiū)

The Chinese word '害羞' is used to describe someone who is not confident and does not want to be noticed, especially in social situations. It can be used in the same context as the English word 'shy'.

常数 (cháng shù)

In Chinese, '常数' is used to refer to a value or a parameter that does not change. It is commonly seen in scientific, mathematical and technical contexts. It is similar to how 'constant' is used in English.

平静 (píng jìng)

The Chinese word '平静' is used to describe someone or something that is peaceful, quiet, and free from agitation or excitement. It can be used in various contexts, just like the English word 'calm'. It can refer to a person's state of mind, a quiet environment, or a peaceful scenario.

慷慨 (kāng kǎi)

The Chinese word '慷慨' refers to the act of giving or the willingness to give more than is expected. It can be used to describe someone who is generous in terms of sharing their time, money, resources etc. It can also refer to a generous act or gesture.

Example sentences with  慷慨
活泼 (huó pō)

The Chinese word '活泼' is used to describe people who are full of life and energy. It can also describe an environment or atmosphere that is active and animated. It is used in the same context as 'lively' in English.

淘气 (táoqì)

淘气 is a Chinese adjective often used to describe someone, especially a child, who is active, playful, and tends to break rules for fun. It has a neutral or slightly negative connotation but is usually used in a non-severe or affectionate context. For example, a parent may call their child 淘气 when they are being mischievous.

耐心 (nai4 xin1)

The Chinese word '耐心' is directly translated as 'patience' in English. It's widely used in sentences like '你需要有耐心' meaning 'You need to have patience'. It's a common vocabulary in everyday Mandarin conversation, and often used to express the necessity of calm endurance or tolerance.

角色 (jué sè)

This is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The character can be a main protagonist, a secondary protagonist, antagonist, etc.

Example sentences with  角色
边缘 (biān yuán)

In Chinese, '边缘' is used similarly to the English word 'edge' — referring to the boundary or limit of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as physical objects (edge of a table), abstract concepts (cutting-edge technology), or geographical terms (edge of a city). '边缘' can also express a metaphorical fringe or margin of society.

野心 (yě xīn)

The Chinese word for ambition is '野心', a direct translation can also mean 'wild heart' showing a metaphorical way of meaning the desire and determination to achieve success. This term can be used in various contexts, similar to English, where a person's goals or determination towards success is mentioned.

顽皮 (wánpí)

The Chinese word '顽皮' is used to describe someone, especially a child, who is full of energy and fun. The term usually carries a positive connotation and is often used endearingly to describe playful behavior. It can be used in different contexts including describing a playful personality, joke, action or mood.

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