Chinese Personal Objects - Chinese Vocabulary

Learn and practice Chinese words related to personal objects. Enhance your vocabulary and improve your language skills.


The Chinese word for 'bag' is '包' (bāo). This term mainly refers to a flexible container with an opening at the top, used for holding items. In Chinese, it can also be used in various compound words for different types of bags, such as '手提包' (handbag), '书包' (schoolbag), '钱包' (wallet), and so forth.

手机 (shǒu jī)

The Chinese word '手机' is equivalent to mobile in English, which could mean a mobile phone or mobile device. It is widely used in daily conversation and in written language.

Example sentences with  手机
手表 (shǒu biǎo)

In Chinese, the word '手表' directly translates to 'hand table', but it represents the English word 'watch'. Watches are commonly used tools for measuring time in Chinese-speaking cultures, similar to English-speaking cultures.

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