Chinese Personal Data Learning Resources

This page provides resources for learning personal data-related Chinese vocabulary to English students.

上诉 (shàng sù)

The Chinese word '上诉' is used in the context of law and order for referring to an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed. It can also be used to describe a serious or urgent request.

Example sentences with  上诉
人们 (rénmen)

In Chinese, '人们' is used in a very similar way to 'people' in English. It is a plural word that refers to multiple individuals. It can be used in sentences like '人们喜欢音乐' which means 'People like music'.

地址 (zhǐ dì)

The Chinese term for 'address' is '地址' (zhǐ dì). It's commonly used exactly like its English counterpart - when providing locations for physical destinations, mailing correspondence or electronic (web, email) resources.

Example sentences with  地址
女性 (nǚ xìng)

The word '女性' is used in Chinese to describe someone who is biologically female or identifies as such in gender identity. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'female', for example, it can be used when filling up forms for gender or discussing gender-specific topics.

Example sentences with  女性
婚姻 (hūn yīn)

In Chinese, the term '婚姻' refers to the social or legal concept of marriage. It is used much in the same way as the English word 'marriage', referring to the union between two individuals and the relation between them. It is often used in any discussions about family, relationships, or social policies.

已婚 (yǐ hūn)

The Chinese word '已婚' refers to someone who is already legally bound in a marriage relationship. It can be used in various contexts such as stating one's marital status or to refer to someone who is married.

Example sentences with  已婚
延期 (yán qī)

The Chinese term '延期' is usually used in a context where an existing timeline or a due date needs to be pushed back, effectively needing an extension. For example, a student might ask a professor for a '延期' if they need more time to finish an assignment.

手机 (shǒu jī)

The Chinese word '手机' is equivalent to mobile in English, which could mean a mobile phone or mobile device. It is widely used in daily conversation and in written language.

Example sentences with  手机
男人 (nán rén)

In Chinese, '男人' is used to represent a mature male or a man. It can be used to refer to an adult male in general, or in some contexts, to a boyfriend or husband. It is a commonly used term in daily conversation and in written Chinese.

童年 (tóng nián)

The Chinese word '童年' refers to the period of time when a person is a child. Like the English word 'childhood', it is used to refer to the state or period of being a child. It is commonly used in phrases that talk about memories or experiences from this period of one's life.

Example sentences with  童年
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