Chinese Office Chinese Vocabulary

A curated collection of Chinese vocabulary relevant to office environments. Learn how to communicate effectively in a professional setting.

坚固 (jiāngù)

The Chinese word for 'firm' is '坚固'. It is often used to describe something physically strong, stable or not easily changed. For example, when referring to a firm handshake or a firm belief, in Chinese, you would use '坚固' (jiāngù).

Example sentences with  坚固
声明 (shēngmíng)

The Chinese word for 'statement' is '声明', pronounced as 'shēngmíng'. It is a noun that is usually used in formal contexts to mean a method of expressing or making known one's stand, position or perspective on a particular matter. It can be used in the context of written and spoken communication.

声称 (shēng chēng)

In Chinese, '声称' is used as a verb and generally refers to stating or declaring something. It is used in contexts where one asserts a fact or a right strongly and firmly, in a manner that is not always capable of being proven.

客户 (kèhù)

In Chinese, '客户' (kèhù) is used to refer to a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company. It is used in the same context as 'client' in English and can be found in both formal and casual situations.

就业 (jiù yè)

The Chinese word '就业' is used to describe the act of getting a job or finding work, similar to the English term 'employment'. It is often used in situations related to job seeking, work situations, or labor markets. Like 'employment' in English, it can be used in various contexts including economics, social studies, and everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  就业
工人 (gōng rén)

The Chinese word '工人' is used to refer to a worker or laborer in general. It can be used in a variety of contexts, but is most commonly used to refer to someone who does a particular type of job, especially a job involving hard physical work. For example, a construction worker would be referred to as '建筑工人'.

工作 (gōngzuò)

In Chinese, '工作' is commonly used to refer to one's occupation or employment. It could be used to express the action of performing duties for a job too. For example, '我正在工作' means 'I am working'. It is a noun that covers a broad range of work related concepts.

广告 (guǎng gào)

In Chinese, '广告' (guǎnggào) is used to denote 'advertising'. It is used in the same way as it is in English, to refer to the means of communication between the seller and the potential buyer. It can be used in sentences like '我看到一则减肥产品的广告' which translates to 'I saw an advertisement for a weight loss product'.

成本 (chéngběn)

The Chinese term '成本' is used similarly to the English term 'cost'. It's used to express the amount of money that needs to be spent to buy, do, or make something. In context, it could be used in sentences like '这个项目的成本是多少?' which translates to 'What is the cost of this project?'.

技能 (ji4 neng2)

The Chinese word for 'skill' is '技能'. It is a commonly used noun in Mandarin. It can apply to various categories ranging from physical abilities, intellectual competencies to special crafts. As in English, '技能' can be used to indicate someone's particular ability to execute or accomplish a task with proficiency.

Example sentences with  技能
投资 (tóu zī)

In Chinese, the term for 'investment' is '投资' pronounced as 'tóu zī'. It is used similarly as in English - to refer to the action or process of investing money for profit or material result. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, finance, and economics.

报告 (bào gào)

'报告', pronounced as 'bào gào', is a Chinese term that is used to reference a formal, written document that provides detailed information on a particular subject, situation or event. For instance, it can be used to refer to a scientific study, an event recap, or an investigation outcome. It's often used in professional and academic settings.

收费 (shōufèi)

The Chinese term '收费' is used to express the concept of 'charge' in English. It is primarily used in contexts related to financial transactions, specifically when a certain fee or payment is required. The places you often hear this word are banks, stores, restaurants or wherever monetary transactions occur.

政策 (zhèngcè)

The word '政策' in Chinese is used to express the term policy. Like in English, it can be used in a variety of settings such as government policy, school policy, or company policy. It is most often used within the context of laws, guidelines, or regulations established by an authority.

文章 (wén zhāng)

The Chinese word '文章' is a noun used to refer to an article, essay, or any form of written work. It could refer to news articles, blog posts, and academic papers, much like in English. However, it could also refer to literature or works of writing in a broader sense.

沟通 (gōutōng)

In Chinese, '沟通' (gōutōng) is the term for 'communicate'. It is used in a similar way as in English, describing the act of exchanging or sharing information, feelings, or thoughts by speech, writing, or signs. It can be used in a broad range of contexts, from casual conversation ('与朋友沟通') to professional settings ('在工作中有效沟通').


The Chinese word '率' is used to denote a proportion, rate, or ratio. In terms of usage, it generally appears in the context of statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics, similar to how 'rate' is used in English.

现金 (xiàn jīn)

The Chinese word '现金' is used very similar to how 'cash' is used in English. It refers to money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins. In context, you might use '现金' while purchasing items in a store, or when discussing financial topics.

Example sentences with  现金
电缆 (diàn lǎn)

The Chinese term for cable is '电缆'. It is most commonly used in the context of electricity and technology, referring to a thick wire or bundle of wires inside a plastic or rubber cover, which is used to carry electronic or telephone signals. Example: '可以帮我检查电缆连接吗?' which means 'Can you help me check the cable connection?'

Example sentences with  电缆
电脑 (diànnǎo)

In Chinese, the word '电脑' is used to refer to a computer. The term is commonly used in everyday language. While it directly translates to 'electric brain', it is used in the same context as 'computer' is used in English.

pay taxes

In Chinese, the term '税' (shuì) is used to refer to tax. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a required payment to the government. It's commonly used in documents and conversations related to economics, finance, and government policies.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for paper is '纸' (zhǐ). This is a widely used term in China, relating to anything from document paper to paper for arts and crafts. It's also used in idioms and everyday phrases. An example could be '书写纸', meaning 'writing paper'.

线 (xiàn)

The Chinese word for line is '线' pronounced as 'xiàn'. It is used similarly as in English to refer to a long, narrow mark or band. It could also refer to a telephone or another direct, usually private link of communication.

组织 (zǔ zhī)

In Chinese, '组织' is often used to refer to a company, institution, or other body of people who work together for a specific purpose. This could be as broad as a large corporation or as specific as a small club or group. The usage is the same as the English word 'organization'.

经理 (jīng lǐ)

The word '经理' is commonly used in professional settings in Chinese, such as in offices or corporations. It is used to describe someone who is responsible for managing or overseeing a team, department, or organization. Much like in English context, the person holding this position usually has substantial authority and responsibility.

经验 (jīng yàn)

In Chinese, '经验' refers to the knowledge or skill acquired by a person through experience or exposure to a particular field or activity. It is often used similarly to the English word 'experience', and can be used in a variety of contexts, referring to work experience, life experience, and more.

罢工 (bà gōng)

The Chinese word '罢工' is used to describe a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees in a business to work. This is usually in response to employee grievances, and is similar in context to the use of 'strike' in English.

Example sentences with  罢工
营销 (yíng xiāo)

In Chinese, '营销' refers to the activities done by a company to promote and sell its products or services, which includes advertising, market research, sales, etc. It is used in almost the same way as 'marketing' in English, covering all aspects of business from product conception to the final sale.

薪水 (xīn shuǐ)

In Chinese, '薪水' translates to 'salary'. This is commonly used in conversations and text to represent the remuneration that an individual receives for their work, much like its English equivalent. It is always suitable in a professional and casual context.

行动 (xíng dòng)

In Chinese, '行动' is used to represent an act or a move. It can be used broadly in a number of contexts, whether it's referring to a physical movement (like running or walking), an orchestrated operation, or a decisive act taken in a particular situation. Just as in English, '行动' can also imply forward momentum or progress.

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