Chinese Office Chinese Vocabulary

A curated collection of Chinese vocabulary relevant to office environments. Learn how to communicate effectively in a professional setting.

专业 (zhuān yè)

In Chinese, 'professional' is translated to '专业'. It is used in the same context as in English to describe someone who is an expert at his or her work or who currently engages in a specific specialist field. It can be used both as a noun and as an adjective based on the context of the sentence. For example, '他是一名专业的演员' means 'He is a professional actor'.

书桌 (shū zhuō)

The Chinese word 书桌 is used to refer to a piece of furniture with a flat surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work. It is used in much the same way as the English word 'desk'.

买家 (mǎi jiā)

The Chinese word for 'buyer' is '买家', which is used to refer to a person or an entity that purchases goods or services. This word is commonly used in e-commerce and retail industries, as well as in common lifestyle conversations in China. It is important to note that context may alter the use of this word, as it is in any language.

产品 (chǎn pǐn)

The Chinese word for 'product' is '产品' (chǎnpǐn). It is used the same way as in English, referring to a thing or person that is the result of an action or process. In business terms, it can refer to a thing produced or for sale. It can also refer to a thing or person that has been produced or influenced by a particular process or circumstance.

代理 (dài lǐ)

In Chinese, '代理' is often used to refer to an agency or an organization representing another firm or person. For instance, you can use '代理' when referring to a travel agency (旅行代理) or an advertising agency (广告代理). It is also used to describe the act of representing or acting on behalf of someone, similar to its English usage.

价格 (jiàgé)

The Chinese word '价格' is used in much the same way as the English word 'price'. It is used to denote the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something. It can be used in various contexts, including in sentences such as asking the price of goods in a shop or market, or discussing the price of commodities or stock in financial markets.

伙伴 (huǒbàn)

It is used to suggest a sense of camaraderie or shared task or goals, such as a working partner or a partner in crime. It is a commonly-used term among friends.

Example sentences with  伙伴
会员资格 (huì yuán zī gé)

In Chinese, '会员资格' refers to the state of being a member of a group or organization. This concept often relates to cases where an individual has joined a specific group and has certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits because of their inclusion in the group. For example, a person might have '会员资格' in a sports club, meaning they are a member and can participate in the club's activities.

会议 (huì yì)

The Chinese word for meeting '会议' is used in contexts such as formal discussions or gatherings, business conferences or assemblies. It is not typically used in casual settings when two people meet. The term is applicable for business meetings, conferences, and seminars.

促销 (cù xiāo)

The Chinese word '促销' literally translates to 'promote' and 'sell'. It is often used in the context of marketing, advertising, and sales to refer to promotional deals, sales offers, or marketing campaigns, similar to the English term 'promotion'.

Example sentences with  促销

In Chinese, the word for 'letter' is '信'. It's often used in the context of mailing or writing a letter to someone. In Chinese, it holds a similar usage like in English, where it can signify a paper correspondence sent to someone. However, it doesn't mean the alphabet letters.

假日 (jià rì)

The Chinese word for holiday is '假日'. It's typically used to denote both federal and public vacations, similar to its usage in English. You can use it in many contexts where you would use the word 'holiday' in English, such as explaining national holidays, school breaks, or days off from work.

Example sentences with  假日
公司 (gōng sī)

The Chinese word for 'company' is '公司'. It's used in business context to denote a business entity. It can also be used in combination with other words to specify different types of companies. For example, '软件公司' means 'software company'.

写作 (xiězuò)

In Chinese, '写作' stands for 'writing'. It is commonly used to refer to the act of writing, such as in a school or professional context. This can be used to describe writing anything from books, articles, essays, and other types of documents.

农场 (nóng chǎng)

In Chinese, '农场' is used to describe an area of land, as well as the buildings on it, which is used for growing crops and rearing animals. The word is often used in a similar context as it is in English, referring to agricultural activities and industries.

分布 (fēn bù)

The Chinese word '分布' is used to describe the way things are spread over a certain area or period of time. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including statistical, geographical, and chronological distribution.

分支 (fēn zhī)

The Chinese translation of 'branch' is '分支' (fēn zhī). In English, branch refers to a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or from a bough. It can also refer to a division of a business or other organization, or a conceptual division or offshoot. Similarly, in Chinese context '分支' can be used to describe a subdivision or a secondary part of something larger or more complex, such as an organization or a concept.

Example sentences with  分支
分析 (fēn xī)

The Chinese word for 'analysis' is '分析'. This word is used in similar contexts as the English word 'analysis'. It is mainly used when dividing a complex topic into simpler parts to understand it.

利益 (lì yì)

The word '利益' in Chinese is generally used to describe a profit or gain from something, which very similar to the English word 'benefit'. It can be used in different contexts like personal benefits, benefits from a particular action, or situation, etc.

制造商 (zhì zào shāng)

In Chinese, '制造商' refers to a person or company that makes goods for sale, typically on a large scale. It can be used in various contexts, just like in English. For example, when talking about the company that produced a certain product or the industry as a whole.

Example sentences with  制造商
前进 (qián jìn)

The Chinese word '前进' is used to describe the act of moving forward or progressing, just like the English word 'advance'. It can be referred to any type of progression, be it physical movement or progression in a project or a plan. It also contains a subtle sense of positivity, implying progress towards a better state.

办公室 (bàn gōng shì)

The Chinese term '办公室' is used to denote a place where people work, usually in a administrative or clerical capacity. It can be part of a larger organization or a standalone establishment.


The Chinese word '卖' is used to describe the action of giving something to someone in exchange for money, in the same way as 'sell' is used in English. It is used in various contexts and can be combined with other characters to form phrases or idioms. For example, '卖掉' means 'sell off' and '卖出' translates to 'sell out'.

卡片 (kǎ piàn)

In Chinese, '卡片' is used to refer to any type of card, just like in English. It could be a greeting card, credit card or game card. When using it in a sentence, you can put it after a noun to specify the type of the card, as in '信用卡' which means credit card.

反馈 (fǎnkuì)

The Chinese word '反馈' (fǎnkuì) is typically used to refer to feedback, response, or reaction that one gets from others. The word can be used in various contexts such as 'providing feedback on an essay' or 'getting feedback from a teacher'. It is primarily used in professional and academic settings.

合同 (hé tong)

The Chinese word '合同' is used to refer to a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties, especially one legally enforceable. It is commonly used in legal, business and daily context. It could refer to any type of contract like employment contract, service contract etc.

Example sentences with  合同
同事 (tóng shì)

The word '同事' in Chinese is used exactly the same as the word 'colleague' in English. It refers to a person with whom one works, particularly in a profession or business. You can use it in different situations whether at work or social gatherings.

员工 (yuán gōng)

In Chinese, '员工' refers to an individual who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. It is widely used in business, corporations, and companies to refer to their workers.

商业 (shāng yè)

The Chinese word for business, '商业', broadly refers to activities related to buying or selling goods or services. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'business'. For example, you can say '我在商业上非常成功' which means 'I am very successful in business'.

地址 (zhǐ dì)

The Chinese term for 'address' is '地址' (zhǐ dì). It's commonly used exactly like its English counterpart - when providing locations for physical destinations, mailing correspondence or electronic (web, email) resources.

Example sentences with  地址
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