Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

列表 (lièbiǎo)

The Chinese word '列表' is used to signify a list or a catalog. It can be used in the same context as 'list' in English, to denote a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively.

创新 (chuàng xīn)

In Chinese, '创新' implies the creation of something new or different, often through innovative and imaginative means. It is frequently used in business or artistic contexts to describe innovative ideas, designs or methods.

Example sentences with  创新
初始 (chū shǐ)

The Chinese word '初始' directly translates to 'initial' in English. It is typically used to describe the first or starting phase of something. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts in Chinese such as the initial stage, initial plan, initial idea etc.

Example sentences with  初始
初级 (chūjí)

The Chinese word '初级' is used to refer to someone younger or less experienced in a certain field or context, similar to how the word 'junior' is used in English. It is often used in educational contexts and job classifications.

初级的 (chū jí de)

In Chinese, the word '初级的' is broadly used to express the first or primary stage of something. It is often used in the context of grades in school, step in a process or introductory level in any discipline.

Example sentences with  初级的
判断 (pàn duàn)

The Chinese word '判断' is used in a similar way as 'judgment' in English. It represents the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions. One can use it in a sentence like '他判断这不是个好主意' meaning 'He judged that this was not a good idea'.

Example sentences with  判断
利润 (lì rùn)

The Chinese word for 'profit' is '利润', commonly used in financial and business contexts. It refers to the financial return or gain made from an investment, sale, or business operation, equivalent to the English term 'profit'.

Example sentences with  利润
利益 (lì yì)

The word '利益' in Chinese is generally used to describe a profit or gain from something, which very similar to the English word 'benefit'. It can be used in different contexts like personal benefits, benefits from a particular action, or situation, etc.

别针 (biézhēn)

In Chinese, the term for 'pin' is '别针' (biézhēn). It is a common word that is used in a similar context as in English. It refers to a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, often used for fastening fabric, paper, etc.

Example sentences with  别针
到期 (dào qī)

The Chinese word '到期' is often used to mean 'due'. It is generally used in context of something that is expected or needs to occur, such as the due date of a payment or task. Just like in English, '到期' is used in a variety of situations which require timing or scheduling.

Example sentences with  到期
制造 (zhì zào)

In Chinese, '制造' is used to express the meaning of make which is generally referred to create or produce something. The role of this word in a sentence is often used as a verb, and it widely applicable to various scenarios like make a decision (制造决定), make a car (制造汽车).

制造商 (zhì zào shāng)

In Chinese, '制造商' refers to a person or company that makes goods for sale, typically on a large scale. It can be used in various contexts, just like in English. For example, when talking about the company that produced a certain product or the industry as a whole.

Example sentences with  制造商
刷子 (shuā zi)

In Chinese, the word for 'brush' is '刷子'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English, such as when referring to paint brushes, hair brushes or toothbrushes. It can also be used in broader contexts, such as to 'brush' or 'swipe' a card.

Example sentences with  刷子

In Chinese, the word '前' is used in several contexts just like in English. It can mean the front of a location, in terms of time it can mean before, and it can even mean former as in a former post or title. Context will usually tell you the intended meaning.

前进 (qián jìn)

The Chinese word '前进' is used to describe the act of moving forward or progressing, just like the English word 'advance'. It can be referred to any type of progression, be it physical movement or progression in a project or a plan. It also contains a subtle sense of positivity, implying progress towards a better state.

剧本 (jù běn)

The word '剧本' in Chinese is used to refer to a written work by a playwright, also known as a script in English. It is commonly used in the context of theater, film, or television, where it outlines the movements, actions, dialogue, and gestures of the actors or performers. It is the foundational text that the director and actors use to create their performances.

力量 (lìliàng)

In Chinese, '力量' (lìliàng) signifies power. It could refer to physical strength, or it could symbolize more conceptual forms of power, such as political power. The word is used in various contexts, similar to its usage in English. However, '力量' tends to be more associated with positive forms of power, emphasizing the constructive potentials of power.

办公室 (bàn gōng shì)

The Chinese term '办公室' is used to denote a place where people work, usually in a administrative or clerical capacity. It can be part of a larger organization or a standalone establishment.

功能 (gōngnéng)

In Chinese, the word 'function' translates to '功能'. This term is used similarly to English, describing the role or purpose that something is designed to fulfill. For example, it can be used while talking about the functions of a certain device or the functions within a program or algorithm.

Example sentences with  功能

In Chinese, 'plus' is translated to '加'. It is a commonly used word in Chinese mathematics, just as 'plus' is used in English to indicate addition. It could also be used metaphorically to represent the act of adding or including something extra.

Example sentences with  
加法 (jiā fǎ)

In Chinese, '加法' is used to describe the action or process of adding something to another thing. It is most commonly used in context of mathematics or counting, much like in English. For example, '我正在做加法' means 'I am doing an addition.'

加载 (jiā zǎi)

The Chinese word '加载' is often used to refer to the process of loading something, like data or items. It can also be used metaphorically, like for workload. In computer system, '加载' it is commonly used in contexts such as 'loading data', 'loading a page', etc.

Example sentences with  加载
动物 (dòngwù)

In Chinese, the word '动物' refers to the same concept as 'animal' in English. It is used to describe any member of the kingdom Animalia, including creatures such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, and humans. Much like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including but not limited to, science, domestic life, and idiomatic expressions.

动物学 (dòng wù xué)

Zoology, or '动物学' in Chinese, is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom. The term is commonly used in Chinese academia and scientific conversation, just as its use in English.


The Chinese character '助' is commonly used to mean assist, help, or aid. It can be used in various contexts just like 'assist' in English. It can apply to help in physical tasks, as well as intellectual or emotional support.

Example sentences with  
助手 (zhù shǒu)

The Chinese word '助手' is used similar to the English word 'assistant'. It refers to a person who helps in particular work or to a person who occupies a position below that of a senior person and provides help to them. '助手' can be used in both formal and informal contexts with no significant change in its meaning.

Example sentences with  助手
努力 (nǔ lì)

The Chinese word '努力' is used similarly to 'effort' in English. It denotes the hard work or diligence put in to achieve something. It could be used in many contexts, such as studying, working, or any kind of task. It generally carries a positive connotation, expressing dedication and commitment.

勇气 (yǒng qì)

In Chinese, '勇气' (yǒngqì) is used to express the concept of 'courage' or 'bravery'. It refers to the mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. It is often used in contexts where one has to face tough situations, make difficult decisions, or overcome fear.

Example sentences with  勇气

The Chinese word for 'bag' is '包' (bāo). This term mainly refers to a flexible container with an opening at the top, used for holding items. In Chinese, it can also be used in various compound words for different types of bags, such as '手提包' (handbag), '书包' (schoolbag), '钱包' (wallet), and so forth.

包围 (bāo wéi)

The Chinese word '包围' literally translates to 'surround' in English. It is commonly used to signify that something is completely covering or enclosing another thing or place. It can also be used to represent a situation where a person or group is closely watched or pressured by people. For example, '我们被敌人包围了' means 'We are surrounded by enemies.'

Example sentences with  包围
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