Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

速度 (sù dù)

In Chinese, the word '速度' is used similarly to the English word 'speed'. It refers to the rate at which someone or something moves or operates. It can also refer to the rate at which events occur or developments proceed.

Example sentences with  速度
遇见 (yù jiàn)

The Chinese word '遇见' is used similarly to 'meet' in English. It can refer to encountering or coming across someone or something, particularly for the first time or by chance. It may also represent a scheduled arrangement where two or more people come together for a purpose.

遥控 (yáo kòng)

In Chinese, 'remote' is translated into '遥控'. It is usually used to describe a device that allows one to control another device from a distance. This could be anything from a television to an air conditioner. However, in certain contexts, it could also mean remote as in a far away place.

Example sentences with  遥控
那里 (nàlǐ)

The Chinese word '那里' translates to 'there' in English. It is used to point towards a place or item that is located at a distance from the speaker. It can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from directing someone to a far-off location, to indicate where an object is located, to formulating rhetorical or existential questions.

邮差 (yóu chāi)

The Chinese word '邮差' is the commonly used term for postman in Mandarin. This term is used widely throughout China to refer to the person who delivers mail to homes and businesses. It can be used in any context where you would use the term 'postman' in English.

邮票 (yóupiào)

In Chinese, 'post' is translated as '邮票'. It can refer to the system used for sending and receiving letters and parcels. It's used in various contexts, such as mailing letters, parcels, etc.

部分 (bù fèn)

The Chinese word '部分' gets used in similar contexts as 'part' in English. It can be used to denote a fraction or a segment of something. For instance, in a sentence '这只是故事的一部分' - 'This is only a part of the story'.

部门 (bù mén)

The Chinese word '部门' is equivalent to 'department' in English. It is typically used to refer to a division of a large organization or institution, such as a government, university, or business entity. It indicates a specific area of responsibility, expertise, or operation within the larger body.

酒吧 (jiǔbā)

The Chinese word for bar is '酒吧' (jiǔbā). This word is often used in the same context as it is in English – a place where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages. However, it can also refer to a coffee bar or other similar establishments.

Example sentences with  酒吧
酒店 (Jiǔdiàn)

The Chinese word '酒店' is used similarly to the word 'hotel' in English. It is commonly used in conversation and written text when referring to a place one can rent for the purpose of lodging. It can also be applied to slightly more upscale accommodations that offer additional amenities, such as a restaurant or bar within the building.

酒精 (jiǔ jīng)

The Chinese word for alcohol is '酒精'. It can be used similar to the English context. For example, in sentences expressing consumption of alcohol or indicating the alcohol content in certain drinks, and so on.


The Chinese word '醒' is used to explain the state of alertness coming from sleep or lack of consciousness. It could be used in different contexts such as 'wake up' (醒来) or 'wakefulness' (清醒).

Example sentences with  
释放 (shì fàng)

In Chinese, '释放' refers to the action of releasing something, precisely like unleashing or letting go. It is often used in context with releasing one's strength, emotions, or prisoners. It is also used to convey the meaning of making something available to the public, as in the case of releasing a new film or publication.

里面 (lǐmiàn)

The Chinese word '里面' is commonly used to express 'inside' or 'in' in English. It is mainly used as a locative noun or directional complement in sentences.

Example sentences with  里面

The Chinese character '重' represents the concept of 'heavy'. In Chinese, it can be used in a similar context as in English, to describe the weight of an object. It can also be used to express the weight of a situation or feeling, much like how 'heavy' is used metaphorically in English.

Example sentences with  
重要性 (Zhòngyào xìng)

The Chinese word '重要性' translates to 'significance' in English. It is often used similarly to its English equivalent, usually relating to the importance or relevance of something. It could be found in various contexts, from daily conversations to formal writings. However, it is crucial to note that depending on the sentence or the subject, the word might need to be applied differently to express the same meaning effectively.

Example sentences with  重要性
重量 (zhòngliàng)

In Chinese, weight translates to '重量' (zhòngliàng). This term can be used for all contexts where weight (of an object, person or any entity) is referred to or measured. It's a noun and can be used in a sentence like '这个箱子的重量是多少?' which means 'What is the weight of this box?'

Example sentences with  重量
野心 (yě xīn)

The Chinese word for ambition is '野心', a direct translation can also mean 'wild heart' showing a metaphorical way of meaning the desire and determination to achieve success. This term can be used in various contexts, similar to English, where a person's goals or determination towards success is mentioned.

野生 (yě shēng)

The Chinese word '野生' is used to describe someone or something that is not tamed or controlled, just as it is in English. It could be used in a variety of contexts like 'wild animals' (野生动物), 'wild plants' (野生植物), even in phrases like 'to grow wild' (野生生长).


The Chinese character '金' represents 'gold'. It is often used in context where it pertains to wealth, color, or the precious metal. It is also used in compound words to denote something valuable or related to metal.

Example sentences with  
金属 (jīnshǔ)

The Chinese word for 'metal' is '金属'. This term is usually used in the same contexts as the English word 'metal', referring mainly to a category of elements that are typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and conductive. For example, you would use it when talking about jewelry or machines, among other things.

Example sentences with  金属
钉子 (dīng zǐ)

The Chinese word '钉子' is used similarly to the English word 'nail'. It can refer to the hard covering at the ends of fingers and toes or a thin pointed piece of metal that's driven into materials, like wood, to fasten them together. It can also be used metaphorically.

Example sentences with  钉子
钓鱼 (diào yú)

In Chinese, 'fishing' is translated as '钓鱼'. This word is most commonly used to express the activity of catching fish, either as a sport or as a means of getting food. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the action of attempting to get something in a roundabout way.

钢琴 (gāngqín)

The word '钢琴' is used in Chinese to refer to a musical instrument known as a piano in English. This instrument has a keyboard which, when the keys are struck, causes hammers to hit strings inside, creating sound. '钢琴' is used in various contexts, like music education, entertainment, and performance, much as the word 'piano' is used in English.

钥匙 (yàoshi)

The word '钥匙' is a noun in Chinese language, exactly equivalent to 'key' in English. This term is commonly used for devices designed to open locks or start devices. It can also metaphorically refer to an essential method, idea, or influential element.


The Chinese word for 'hook' is '钩'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a piece of metal or other hard material curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on. In addition, it can also be used in a metaphorical sense like in English to mean 'to attract or to trap'.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, the word for 'money' is '钱', pronounced as 'qián'. It is used in the same way as it is in English, referring to a medium that can be exchanged for goods and services. Depending on the context, '钱' can refer to money in general or to specific amounts of money.

钻石 (zuànshí)

In Chinese, '钻石' is used the same way 'diamond' is used in English. It refers to a precious gemstone that is known for its hardness and clarity. It is commonly used in jewelry and also in industrial applications due to its hardness. In a broader context, '钻石' also symbolizes wealth, luxury, status, and everlasting love, just as the word 'diamond' does in English.

Example sentences with  钻石

The Chinese word for 'iron' is '铁'. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to how it is used in English. It can refer to the specific metal substance, objects made from iron, or figuratively in expressions to symbolize strength or stubbornness.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for bell is '铃' (líng). Just like in English, it can refer to a device that makes a ringing sound as a signal or warning. It is often used in contexts of school bells, alarm clocks, doorbells, etc., but can also be used metaphorically.

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