Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

简单 (jiǎn dān)

In Chinese, '简单' is an adjective that represents something that is not difficult, is easy to understand or deal with. It could be used in various contexts such as describing a process, an object or a person's characteristic.

简短 (jiǎn duǎn)

The Chinese word '简短' is used to describe something that is short in length or duration. This can apply to physical objects or periods of time, but is most commonly used in spoken or written Chinese to refer to text or speeches that are concise or not long-winded. For instance, you can use '简短' to describe a short message, a brief explanation, or a quick meeting.

Example sentences with  简短
管子 (guǎn zi)

In Chinese, '管子'(guǎnzi) refers to a tube, pipe, or conduit used to transport or direct fluids, or for various other purposes. It can be used in a variety of contexts, like talking about the plumbing in a house or the pipes in a musical instrument.

Example sentences with  管子
篮子 (lán zi)

The Chinese word for 'basket' is '篮子' (lán zi). It can be used similarly to how it's used in English, referring to a container used to hold or carry things, usually made from interwoven strips of cane or wire. It can also refer to sports equipment for games such as basketball.

Example sentences with  篮子
篮球 (lán qiú)

The word '篮球' in Chinese is made up of two characters. '篮' means basket and '球' means ball. This is a very direct translation of the English word 'basketball'. This word is often used to describe both the game of basketball as well as the physical ball used in the game. It is used in the same context as it would be used in English.

米饭 (mǐfàn)

Rice is a staple food in Chinese culture and is often eaten together with other dishes.

Example sentences with  米饭
类别 (lèi bié)

In Chinese, '类别' refers to classifying or grouping things based on their characteristics or traits. It is often used in contexts where items or entities need to be sorted into different groups or types.

类型 (lèi xíng)

The Chinese word '类型' is used to categorize or classify something in a similar way as 'type' in English. It can be used in various contexts just like the English word. For instance, it can refer to a category of things sharing common characteristics in technology, science, etc.

粗糙 (cū cāo)

The Chinese word '粗糙' is often used to describe a rough texture or surface in physical contexts. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe an unrefined or crude concept or behavior. It is also part of common phrases like '粗糙的皮肤' (rough skin) or '粗糙的想法' (rough idea). The antonym in Chinese would be '光滑' which means smooth.

精神 (jīngshén)

In Chinese, '精神' typically refers to the inner spirit or mind. It can often be used to describe the mental or spiritual strength, focus, or vigor of a person or group. However, the exact usage depends on the context. The word can have various interpretations to describe energy, mental state, or morale.

精神的 (jīngshén de)

The Chinese word '精神的' refers to anything relating to the human spirit or soul, not just the physical or material aspects. It is used to refer the things related to religion, spirits, ghost, or culture, commonly used in literature, philosophy, and daily conversation.

Example sentences with  精神的

The Chinese word for 'Sugar' is '糖'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the sweet, crystalline substance that comes from various plants, mainly sugar cane and sugar beet, which is used to sweeten food and drink. Examples of use could be '他喜欢在咖啡里加糖' (He likes to add sugar to his coffee).

Example sentences with  
糖果 (táng guǒ)

In Chinese '糖果' refers to any type of sweets, candy or confectionery. Similar to English, it's a generic term that can reference any type of sweet treat. 糖果 can be used in a variety of contexts such as asking for sweets in a shop, describing a favorite food, or referring to the sweetness of a dessert.

系列 (xì liè)

The Chinese word '系列' is used to describe a number of similar or related things coming one after another, similarly to the English word 'series'. It is often used in context of books, television shows, or product lines.

系统 (xìtǒng)

The Chinese word for 'system' is '系统'. It can be used in a number of contexts such as computer systems (计算机系统), ecological systems (生态系统), and educational systems (教育系统). Just like in English, it refers to a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole.

紧张 (jǐn zhāng)

In Chinese, '紧张' is used to describe a state of being anxious or nervous, often due to high-stakes situations or events. It can also refer to physical tension, such as the tautness of a string or a tight muscle. It is commonly used in both social and scientific contexts.

紧急 (jǐn jí)

In Chinese, 'emergency' is translated as '紧急'. It is used in situations that need immediate action or attention, like an emergency room in a hospital is called '紧急治疗室'. It can also be used as an adjective before terms like '情况' or '措施', which mean situation and measures respectively, to represent an emergency situation or emergency measures.

Example sentences with  紧急
紫色 (zǐ sè)

The Chinese word '紫色' is used to describe the color purple. It is used the same way as in English, to describe the color of objects or things. For example, you can use '紫色' to describe the color of a flower, a dress, or anything else that is purple.

Example sentences with  紫色
约会 (yuē huì)

The Chinese word '约会' is used to imply a predetermined arrangement or meeting, similarly to the English word 'appointment'. It is commonly used in both formal (like a business appointment) and informal (like a date) contexts.

Example sentences with  约会
纪律 (jì lǜ)

In Chinese, the word 'discipline' translates to '纪律'. Unlike English, Chinese verbs do not require modification for different tense, similar to '纪律' which is always used as it is. It is often used in schools, army, social organizations and workplaces, to indicate rules that govern behavior.

Example sentences with  纪律

The Chinese word for paper is '纸' (zhǐ). This is a widely used term in China, relating to anything from document paper to paper for arts and crafts. It's also used in idioms and everyday phrases. An example could be '书写纸', meaning 'writing paper'.

线 (xiàn)

The Chinese word for line is '线' pronounced as 'xiàn'. It is used similarly as in English to refer to a long, narrow mark or band. It could also refer to a telephone or another direct, usually private link of communication.

线索 (xiàn suǒ)

The Chinese word '线索' is used to refer to any information or evidence that helps in problem solving or in finding out the truth, just like the English word 'clue'. It is often used in detective novels, mystery movies, and legal contexts.

Example sentences with  线索
组合 (zǔ hé)

In Chinese, '组合' directly translates to 'combination' and is commonly used in various contexts such as mathematics, cooking, and so on. For example, one might talk about the '组合' of different ingredients in a dish or the various '组合' of numbers in a math problem.

组织 (zǔ zhī)

In Chinese, '组织' is often used to refer to a company, institution, or other body of people who work together for a specific purpose. This could be as broad as a large corporation or as specific as a small club or group. The usage is the same as the English word 'organization'.

细胞 (xì bāo)

The Chinese word '细胞' is often used to describe the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism. It might typically be used in a similar context as its English equivalent 'cell', in scientific and biological discussions. It also covers wider figurative meanings whenever the context allows.

细节 (xì jié)

The Chinese word '细节' is used very similarly to the English word 'detail'. It refers to an individual feature, fact, or item. It can be used in different contexts and situations to specify or emphasize on a certain or exact part of something. For example, it can be used to talk about the details of a story, a project or a plan.

经典 (jīngdiǎn)

The Chinese word '经典' literally translates to 'classic'. It is used to refer to something that has been judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. For instance, a classic piece of literature, film, music, etc. It can also be used to describe anything that is typical or traditional.

Example sentences with  经典
经济学 (jīng jì xué)

In Chinese, '经济学' is often used to refer to the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It's a subject in academics and also a field of studies in universities. In everyday life, it might be used when discussing anything related to economy such as fiscal policy or supply and demand.

经理 (jīng lǐ)

The word '经理' is commonly used in professional settings in Chinese, such as in offices or corporations. It is used to describe someone who is responsible for managing or overseeing a team, department, or organization. Much like in English context, the person holding this position usually has substantial authority and responsibility.

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