Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

交流 (jiāo liú)

The Chinese word for communication is '交流'. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, to refer to the exchange of information between people through speaking, writing or using some other medium. It can also be used to describe the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

交通 (jiāo tōng)

In Chinese, ‘交通’ refers to the means of transport or the system of transport. It is a common word used in conversations about travel. It can also refer to the process of transport or to traffic when used in the context of moving goods, people, or vehicles.

Example sentences with  交通
产品 (chǎn pǐn)

The Chinese word for 'product' is '产品' (chǎnpǐn). It is used the same way as in English, referring to a thing or person that is the result of an action or process. In business terms, it can refer to a thing produced or for sale. It can also refer to a thing or person that has been produced or influenced by a particular process or circumstance.


The Chinese character '亮' is used to refer to anything that is bright or shines, such as a light, color, or the sun. It can be used literally in the context of visible brightness, or metaphorically to describe a bright or clear concept or idea.

亲爱的 (qīn'àide)

The Chinese word '亲爱的' is used to refer to someone whom you feel affection for, similar to the English word 'dear'. It can be used at the beginning of a letter to address the reader, or as a term of endearment for partners, family members, and close friends. Please note, however, that in Chinese, '亲爱的' does not serve the secondary meaning of 'expensive' as 'dear' does in English.


The Chinese word for 'person' is '人'. This word is used in the same manner as in English, to refer to an individual human being. It is a general term and can be applied to a man, woman, or child. Additionally, it can be used in a number of contexts to say things such as 'a person of interest', 'a person who cooks', or 'a nice person'.

人们 (rénmen)

In Chinese, '人们' is used in a very similar way to 'people' in English. It is a plural word that refers to multiple individuals. It can be used in sentences like '人们喜欢音乐' which means 'People like music'.

人口 (rén kǒu)

The Chinese word for 'population' is 人口 (rén kǒu). It is most commonly used to represent the total number of people in a specific place such as a country, city, or town. For example, 我们国家的人口是多少?means 'What is the population of our country?'

人物 (rén wù)

In Chinese, 'figure' is translated as '人物' which can refer to a person or character in a story, show, event or an important person. It may also mean a numerical or other written symbol. Usage may vary based on its context.

今天 (jīn tiān)

The Chinese word '今天' stands for 'today'. It is commonly used in daily conversation. For instance, a Chinese speaker might say '我今天很忙' which translates to 'I am very busy today'. In most Chinese sentences, '今天' is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence to represent the time is now or today.

今晚 (jīnwǎn)

In Chinese, 'tonight' translates to '今晚'(jīnwǎn). It is used in a similar context to English, generally referring to the current evening or the evening of the present day. It is often used to specify the time of an event or action.

介绍 (jiè shào)

The Chinese word '介绍' is typically used in a similar way to the English word 'introduction'. It can refer to the process of presenting someone or something to others. However, in some contexts, it could also be used more generally to mean 'to speak about' or 'to discuss'.

付款 (fù kuǎn)

In Chinese, '付款' is used to refer to the act of paying for a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of transactions, both online and offline. It could also refer to the amount that is to be paid.

Example sentences with  付款
代理 (dài lǐ)

In Chinese, '代理' is often used to refer to an agency or an organization representing another firm or person. For instance, you can use '代理' when referring to a travel agency (旅行代理) or an advertising agency (广告代理). It is also used to describe the act of representing or acting on behalf of someone, similar to its English usage.

代理人 (dài lǐ rén)

In Chinese, 'agent' is translated as '代理人' which is often used in a variety of contexts such as business or law to refer to an individual who acts on another's behalf. The term can denote representatives, delegates or anyone who has the authority to make decisions for others.

Example sentences with  代理人
代码 (dài mǎ)

In Chinese, '代码' is used to represent the concept of 'code'. This could refer to computer programming code, a system of rules to convert information, or a system of symbols or signals for communication. It's commonly used in technology and information technology contexts.

Example sentences with  代码
以下 (yǐ xià)

In Chinese, the term '以下' is used similarly to the English word 'following'. It can refer to what comes after or next, either in text or real life. It's most commonly used in written language.

Example sentences with  以下
价值 (jià zhí)

The Chinese word '价值' is used almost in the same way as the English word 'value'. It can be used to describe the worth of a thing, principle or concept in monetary, cultural, societal or philosophical terms. For example, '这个房子的价值是多少?' means 'What is the value of this house?'.

价格 (jiàgé)

The Chinese word '价格' is used in much the same way as the English word 'price'. It is used to denote the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something. It can be used in various contexts, including in sentences such as asking the price of goods in a shop or market, or discussing the price of commodities or stock in financial markets.

任何人 (rèn hé rén)

The Chinese term '任何人' is used similarly to the English 'anybody'. It is a term for an indeterminate or unspecified person. It can be used in various contexts including questions, negatives, and conditionals. Remember, Chinese grammar can be quite different from English, so the word order and structure may vary.

任何地方 (Rènhé dìfāng)

In Chinese, 'Anywhere' translates to '任何地方', which is used to refer to an unspecified or unknown location. Like the English word, 任何地方 can be used in various sentences and contexts, but it's generally used as an adverb. A typical usage could be: '你可以在任何地方找到我' (You can find me anywhere).

Example sentences with  任何地方
任务 (rènwù)

任务 (rènwù) is a Chinese word used to refer to tasks, duties, or responsibilities. It is often used in the context of assignments or jobs that need to be accomplished, similar to its English equivalent. This word is commonly used in daily conversation, as well as in professional and educational contexts.

休息 (xiūxí)

The Chinese word '休息' is used to refer to a period of time when you stop doing something so that you can rest or do something else. Similar to the English word 'break', it can be used in a variety of contexts such as taking a break from work, school, or other activities.

优先 (yōu xiān)

The Chinese word '优先' can be used in the context of importance or preference over other things. It is often used in both formal and informal situations and can refer to the priority of tasks, people, or circumstances. It is the direct equivalent of the English word 'priority'.

Example sentences with  优先
优势 (yōushì)

In Chinese, '优势' is used to express the concept of 'advantage'. It can be an advantage you have over someone else or a situation where you have some kind of superiority or dominance. It is often used in contexts related to competition, whether it's scholarly, professional, or in games and sports. It is also used in comparisons to suggest that something is better than the other using criteria of evaluation.

Example sentences with  优势
伙伴 (huǒbàn)

It is used to suggest a sense of camaraderie or shared task or goals, such as a working partner or a partner in crime. It is a commonly-used term among friends.

Example sentences with  伙伴

In Chinese, the word '会' is often used to express the future tense, similar to the use of 'will' in English. It can also mean 'can' or 'am able to', denoting an ability or skill. It is used in various contexts just like 'will'.

会员资格 (huì yuán zī gé)

In Chinese, '会员资格' refers to the state of being a member of a group or organization. This concept often relates to cases where an individual has joined a specific group and has certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits because of their inclusion in the group. For example, a person might have '会员资格' in a sports club, meaning they are a member and can participate in the club's activities.

会议 (huì yì)

The Chinese word for meeting '会议' is used in contexts such as formal discussions or gatherings, business conferences or assemblies. It is not typically used in casual settings when two people meet. The term is applicable for business meetings, conferences, and seminars.

传播 (chuán bō)

In Chinese, '传播' is used the same way 'spread' is used in English. It can refer to the act of distributing information so that it reaches many people or to the act of becoming more widespread. It can also be used when referring to topics such as spread of diseases, spread of news, spread of ideas etc.

Example sentences with  传播
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