Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

比率 (bǐ lǜ)

The '比率' (bǐ lǜ) in the Chinese language is used to describe the quantitative relationship between two units. It could be between people and objects or two different counts of the same object. It is often used in mathematics, statistics, and financial sectors.

Example sentences with  比率
比赛 (bǐ sài)

In Chinese, '比赛' refers to a competition or contest, typically involving physical endeavor. It can also refer to a contest between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest, as in a running race or a car race.

毛巾 (máo jīn)

The Chinese word for 'towel' is '毛巾' (máojīn). This term includes any type of towel, whether it's for bath, face or kitchen. It is commonly used in daily life.

Example sentences with  毛巾
民主党 (mín zhǔ dǎng)

In Chinese, the word Democrat is translated as '民主党'. This term refers to an individual who is a member of the Democratic Party, which is one of the two main political parties in the United States. In a broader context, it could also apply to individuals who advocate for democracy, which is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting.

气候 (qì hòu)

The Chinese word '气候' covers the same concept as the English word 'climate'. In China, the word is commonly used when talking about weather patterns or environmental concerns. It is also applicable when discussing general environments or situations, like 'political climate'.

Example sentences with  气候
气氛 (qì fēn)

The Chinese word '气氛' has a similar use to the English word 'atmosphere'. It is often used to refer to the mood or feeling in a particular place or situation. For instance, one might talk about the '气氛' at a party, meeting, or event.

Example sentences with  气氛
气象学 (qì xiàng xué)

In Chinese, 'meteorology' is known as '气象学'. This term is commonly used in science fields and lays the foundation for the phenomenon of weather and climate studies. Like in English, this word applies to the analysis, forecast of weather, and the understanding of the atmospheric factors that influence our environment and weather conditions.


In Chinese, the word '水' (shuǐ) means 'water', one of the essential elements for life. It is a common word used in a variety of contexts, such as describing the substance, in weather forecasting (雨水 - rainwater), in food and beverage items, and for expressing the concept of 'fluidity' or 'flow' (流动性 - liquidity).

水平 (shuǐpíng)

In Chinese, '水平' (shuǐpíng) represents 'level'. It is typically used to express the degree or standard of something, often referring to the proficiency or skill of something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts such as education, sports, or work.

水果 (shuǐguǒ)

This term refers to fruits in general. China has a wide variety of fruits available depending on the season.

Example sentences with  水果
水龙头 (shuǐ lóng tóu)

Tap in Chinese is '水龙头'. It is typically used in the context of bathroom or kitchen plumbing and refers to the device used to control the flow of water.

Example sentences with  水龙头
池塘 (chí táng)

In Chinese, '池塘' refers to a pool. It is often used in the context of an outdoor or natural small body of still water around which recreational or other activities might occur, but can also refer to a man-made pool for swimming, similar to the English usage.

Example sentences with  池塘
污染 (wū rǎn)

The Chinese word for 'pollution' is '污染'. It is commonly used in environmental discussions and refers to the introduction into the environment of contaminants that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms. Like its English counterpart, '污染' can be used to refer to air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and so on.

Example sentences with  污染

The Chinese word for soup is '汤'. It is used in sentences just as 'soup' is used in English, referring to a liquid dish often served hot that is made from meat, fish, or vegetables. Examples include 'I like tomato soup' translated to '我喜欢番茄汤' and 'soup of the day is chicken noodle soup' translated to '今天的汤是鸡汤面'.

汽车 (qì chē)

The Chinese word for 'car' is '汽车'. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, just like in English. It refers to a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor and able to carry a small number of people.

沒有 (méi yǒu)

'没有' is used in the Chinese language to express denial or negation. It can be used in the same way as the English word 'no', but it can also be used to indicate absence or the lack of something. For example, if someone asks whether you have eaten, you can reply with '没有' to indicate you have not eaten yet.

Example sentences with  沒有

The Chinese word for 'sand' is '沙'. It's mostly used in the same contexts as in English. For instance, when speaking about the beach, deserts, or sand in general. In Chinese, '沙' can also be used in compound words, such as '沙漠' which means 'desert'.

Example sentences with  
沙发 (shā fā)

In Chinese, 'sofa' is translated as '沙发' (shā fā). It is used in the same way as in English. You can say '这是我的沙发' (This is my sofa), '我在沙发上看电视' (I watch TV on the sofa). It is an important word when talking about furniture or home accessories.

沙拉 (shālā)

In Chinese, the word '沙拉' is derived from English and is used to refer to a dish that primarily consists of mixed pieces of food, typically vegetables or fruits. However, it can also be used metaphorically in sentences to express the mixing of elements.

Example sentences with  沙拉
沙漠 (shā mò)

In Chinese, '沙漠' (sha mo) refers to an arid, typically sandy area with little to no vegetation, just as 'desert' is used in English. It is often used in contexts discussing geographic landscapes and environmental issues.

没人 (méi rén)

The Chinese word '没人' is used whenever you want to say 'nobody'. For example, '这里没人' means 'there's nobody here'. Because Chinese language doesn't have plural forms like in English, '没人' could mean either 'no one' or 'nobody' depending on the context.

没什么 (méishénme)

The Chinese translation of 'nothing' is '没什么'. It is used in the same way as in English, as a pronoun to signify the absence or lack of something. It can be used in various contexts, whether in response to being asked what one is doing, what one wants, etc.


The Chinese word '河' is used in the same context as 'river' in English. It refers to a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river. In Chinese culture, many folktales and idioms about life, wisdom, or virtues have originated from this word due to the important role that rivers have played in agricultural civilizations.


In Chinese, the word for oil is '油'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as cooking oil ('食用油'), motor oil ('机油') or oily ('油腻'). Chinese cuisine typically makes use of various types of oils for frying, sautéing, and other cooking methods.

Example sentences with  
油漆 (yóu qī)

The Chinese word for 'paint' is '油漆'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a colored substance which is spread over a surface to give it a new look or protective coating. For example, ‘我要用红色油漆画这个墙’ (I want to paint this wall with red paint).

Example sentences with  油漆
治疗 (zhì liáo)

The word '治疗' is often used in medical context to refer to a method of healing or curing, or the management and care of a patient to combat a disease or disorder. Just as in English, it can be used broadly, referring either to physical ailments or mental health issues. It's also used in conversations regarding skincare, signifying the act of taking care of one's skin.

法律 (fǎ lǜ)

In Chinese, the word for law is '法律' (fǎ lǜ). It is often used in a similar context as it is in English, such as referring to the system of rules enforced through social or governmental institutions.

法院 (fǎyuàn)

In English, 'court' often refers to a governmental body that has the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. In Chinese, '法院(fǎyuàn)' is used in a similar context, although cultural nuances might slightly alter its usage.


In Chinese, the term '波' refers to wave, similar to the physical phenomenon observed in oceans or in terms regarding energy transfer. It can also be used in terms to describe fluctuations or ripple effects. Like its English equivalent, it can be used in various contexts including science, technology, and general day to-day conversation.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '泥' is used to refer to mud or earth, usually in the context of something dirty or soil-like. It can be used in various contexts, including in descriptions of nature, in explanations about pottery creation, or when describing the muddy ground after a rain shower.

Example sentences with  
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