Chinese Noun

Information, examples, and exercises related to nouns, which are words that denote a person, place, thing, or idea.

所有 (suǒyǒu)

In Chinese, '所有' is used to represent 'all' or 'every.' It can be followed by a noun to express 'all (of the)' or 'every.' For instance, '所有的人' refers to 'all (of the) people'.

所有者 (suǒ yǒu zhě)

In Chinese, '所有者' is used to refer to someone who owns or possesses something. It can be used in the context of saying, for example, 'he is the owner of the house' (他是房子的所有者) and may refer to both tangible and intangible possessions.

扇子 (shàn zi)

In Chinese, 'fan' translates to '扇子(shànzi)'. It is used both for something that is used to create a cooling air current, especially a handheld item often made of paper or fabric on a folding frame, and an object made in the shape of a segment of a circle, typically out of paper or fabric, that is waved so as to cool the person holding it.

Example sentences with  扇子

In Chinese, the word 'hand' is translated to '手'. It's used in the same way as in English, to refer to the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb. It's also used metaphorically in various expressions and idioms showing different nuances.

手套 (shǒu tào)

The Chinese term for 'glove' is '手套'. This term is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a covering for the hand that typically has separate sections for each finger. It can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from fashion and clothing to sports and cold weather gear.

手指 (shǒuzhǐ)

手指 is the Chinese word for 'finger'. It is usually used in the same contexts as the English word. For example, one might use it to refer to the digits on the hand. Like in English, it can be used figuratively in certain expressions or phrases.

Example sentences with  手指
手术 (shǒu shù)

In Chinese, '手术' refers to 'surgery'. It is a noun typically used in medical scenarios, referring to the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, often with the use of surgical instruments. The term can apply to different areas such as '心脏手术' meaning 'heart surgery'.

手机 (shǒu jī)

The Chinese word '手机' is equivalent to mobile in English, which could mean a mobile phone or mobile device. It is widely used in daily conversation and in written language.

Example sentences with  手机
手臂 (shǒu bì)

In Chinese, 'arm' is translated as '手臂' (shǒu bì). It can be used in various contexts just like in English. For example, '我的手臂受伤了' means 'My arm is injured'.

Example sentences with  手臂
手艺 (shǒu yì)

The word 'craft' translates to '手艺' in Chinese. '手艺' refers to the skills of making things by hand. It can also mean one's skill or ability in a particular field. It emphasizes the careful, skillful manipulation of materials to create a desired result. Examples can include pottery, sewing, carpentry, and more. This can also apply metaphorically to non-physical skills, such as 'the craft of writing'.

Example sentences with  手艺
手表 (shǒu biǎo)

In Chinese, the word '手表' directly translates to 'hand table', but it represents the English word 'watch'. Watches are commonly used tools for measuring time in Chinese-speaking cultures, similar to English-speaking cultures.

打击 (dǎ jī)

In Chinese, '打击' (dǎ jī) means hit. This is often used in the same contexts as in English, like hitting a target or physically hitting something or someone. However, it can also express a metaphorical or emotional hit, such as a damaging circumstance or piece of news.

打印 (dǎ yìn)

The word '打印' in Chinese is used similarly to the English 'print'. It is mostly used in the context of printing out a document or something similar, making a text or image visible on paper or other appropriate medium through a device, usually a printer.

Example sentences with  打印
打扰 (dǎ rǎo)

The Chinese word for 'bother', '打扰', is often used when someone is intruding into someone's space or time and asking for their attention. It can also be used more casually for times when you are asking for a person's time or interrupting what they are doing. Just like in English, it can be used both in a serious and more casual, informal way.

Example sentences with  打扰
扬声器 (yáng shēng qì)

The Chinese word for speaker is '扬声器'. It's used in pretty much the same way as in English, to refer to the sound producing device in electronic equipment. Just like English, it can also be used to refer to a person who is speaking, particularly in public, but a more appropriate translation in this context might be '演讲者' (speaker as a person).

Example sentences with  扬声器
扭转 (niǔzhuǎn)

The Chinese word for twist, '扭转', primarily refers to twisting or rotating something physically. It can also be used metaphorically to emphasize a sudden or dramatic change. For instance, 'the twist in the story' could be translated as '故事的扭转'.

Example sentences with  扭转
批评 (pīpíng)

The Chinese word '批评' translates to 'criticism' in English. It is used in similar contexts as it would be in English such as in reference to the expression of disapproval or disagreement with someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes. It's a significant part of regular conversation and also professional feedback in workplace.

承诺 (chéngnuò)

The Chinese word '承诺' is widely used in various contexts much like the English word 'promise'. It can be used to make a commitment or assurance, similar to how 'promise' is used in English. However, '承诺' can also be used as a noun to mean a commitment that has been made. It is a very common and frequently used word in Chinese conversation and written text.

技术 (jìshù)

In Chinese, the word '技术' (jìshù) means 'technology'. It's a commonly used word that refers to the practical application of knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It may be used in various contexts related to science, engineering, and the digital industry.

技能 (ji4 neng2)

The Chinese word for 'skill' is '技能'. It is a commonly used noun in Mandarin. It can apply to various categories ranging from physical abilities, intellectual competencies to special crafts. As in English, '技能' can be used to indicate someone's particular ability to execute or accomplish a task with proficiency.

Example sentences with  技能
抑郁症 (yì yù zhèng)

In Chinese, '抑郁症' is used to refer to depression, a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. It's often used in contexts related to mental health, psychology, and personal well-being. It can be used in various sentence structures, much like its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  抑郁症
抓痕 (zhuā hén)

In Chinese, 'scratch' is translated to '抓痕' (zhuā hén). It can be used in the same way as it is in English, usually referring to a mark or wound made by scratching. For example, you could say '我被猫抓痕了' which means 'I got scratched by a cat'. You can also use it metaphorically - to mean 'barely makes it by' similar to the English 'scratch the surface'.

Example sentences with  抓痕

In Chinese, 'pitch' translates as '投', which can be used when you're talking about throwing something. However, it's important to note that '投' does not include the musical or business aspects of 'pitch' as in English. To specify those aspects, different terms may be used.

投标 (Tóu biāo)

The Chinese word '投标' is the term used to indicate the act of making a bid, most commonly in situations involving auctions, contracts, or any situation where goods or services are being sold or bought. The use of '投标' could vary as per the context it is used in, such as it can be used for financial matters as well as procurement processes.

Example sentences with  投标
投诉 (tóu sù)

The Chinese word '投诉' is equivalent to the English word 'complaint'. It is used in the same context as in English, typically in situations where someone expresses dissatisfaction or unhappiness about a situation, a service, product, or person. It's commonly used in customer service scenarios where customers express their dissatisfaction with the product or service they received.

Example sentences with  投诉
投资 (tóu zī)

In Chinese, the term for 'investment' is '投资' pronounced as 'tóu zī'. It is used similarly as in English - to refer to the action or process of investing money for profit or material result. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, finance, and economics.


In Chinese, 'fold' is often used to refer to the act or process of bending something over onto itself. It could also refer to a bend in a layer or in a surface. It can be used in various contexts like folding a piece of paper, folding clothes or metaphorically to describe an increase or decrease in amount.

Example sentences with  
折扣 (zhé kòu)

In Chinese, '折扣' is used to refer to a reduction in price, similar to the English term 'discount'. This word is widely used in various contexts such as shopping, business deals, etc., usually to attract customers or enhance sales.

Example sentences with  折扣
护士 (hù shì)

The Chinese word for 'nurse' is '护士'. It is commonly used in the context of healthcare, referring to a person who is trained to provide care for people who are sick or injured. Like English, it can be used to refer to both male and female nurses.

护照 (hù zhào)

The Chinese word '护照' is used exactly as the English word 'passport'. It stands for an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

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