Chinese Music and dance in Chinese

Discover and learn words related to music and dance in Mandarin Chinese.

乐团 (yue4 tuan2)

The Chinese word '乐团' is used to refer to a large ensemble of instrumental musicians, typically including string, brass, woodwind sections, and sometimes a percussion section as well. It can be found in various music genres, and it plays a central role in Western classical music.

Example sentences with  乐团
乐队 (yuèduì)

In Chinese, '乐队' is used to refer to a group of individuals who perform music together. It usually consists of members playing different types of musical instruments.

合唱 (hé chàng)

The Chinese word '合唱' refers to the act of singing together in a group for a song or in a performance. This is very similar to the English word 'chorus', where a group of people sing together simultaneously, either in unison or in parts. In many traditional Chinese songs or operas, a chorus plays an important role in adding musical depth and drama.

吉他 (jí tā)

In Chinese, guitar is translated as '吉他' (jí tā). It is used pretty much in the same way as in English, referring to the popular stringed musical instrument. It might come up in conversation about music, hobbies, or shopping for musical instruments.


The Chinese word for 'sing' is '唱' (chàng). It is used in Chinese in much the same way as 'sing' is used in English, to refer to the act of producing musical sounds with the voice. It can be used in various contexts, such as singing in a concert, singing a song, or singing along to music.

小号 (xiǎo hào)

The word '小号' is used to refer to a musical instrument known as the trumpet. It can be used in various contexts such as musical performances and band practice. It might also be used metaphorically, relating its loud sound to a strong voice or call for attention.

小提琴 (xiǎo tí qín)

The Chinese word for violin is '小提琴', often used in the context of music and performance. It's one of the primary instruments in a orchestra and is played with a bow.

得分 (dé fēn)

In Chinese, '得分' primarily refers to the tally of points in a game or a test. It is often used in sports and game contexts, as well as in situations discussing test results or evaluating performance.

Example sentences with  得分
旋律 (xuán lǜ)

In Chinese, '旋律' is used to denote a sequence of musical tones forming a distinctive sequence. It is often used in the context of music and song, similar to how 'melody' is used in English.


In Chinese, the word 'song' is translated as '歌'. It is commonly used just as the English word, referring to a short musical composition with words. It is used in various contexts related to music, performances, and entertainment.

歌手 (gē shǒu)

In Chinese, '歌手' is used to describe a person who sings, especially as their profession. It is used in the same way as the English word 'singer'. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing any performer in a musical context, including pop, rock, country, opera, and many more.

爆破 (bào pò)

The Chinese word '爆破' is used in similar contexts as 'pop' in English. It can refer to the sound something makes when it bursts or explodes (like a balloon), or more metaphorically, the sudden appearance or occurrence of something.

Example sentences with  爆破

In Mandarin Chinese, 'the' is generally implied and it does not have a direct equivalent. However, '的' is often used in a similar way to 'the', showing possession or modification. For example, to specify 'my cat', one would say '我的猫'. It can mean 'the', but it is also used in many other contexts that do not directly translate to 'the'. It's one of the most common characters in Chinese.

笔记 (bǐ jì)

The Chinese word '笔记' is used similarly to its English counterpart 'note'. It can refer to a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory, or some brief comments, instructions, or reactions written as a reminder or reference. '笔记' is also commonly used in academic contexts to refer to notes taken during a lecture or learning process.

绳子 (shéngzi)

In Chinese, '绳子' means 'rope'. It is generally used in the same way as in English, to refer to a long, thick line or cord, frequently used for tying, binding, or fastening. It may also be used metaphorically in some contexts, just as 'rope' in English can be a metaphor for connection or binding.

Example sentences with  绳子
节奏 (jiézòu)

In Chinese, '节奏' (jiézòu) is the word for 'rhythm'. It's often used to describe the patterned, repetitive, and orderly movement or sound in music, dance or even in daily activities or procedures. Just like English, it can be metaphorically used to describe the pace or sequence of events or activities.

记录 (jì lù)

In Chinese, '记录' is used to connote the act of keeping a factual account of something or an instance of something. It can be used in various contexts like recording notes, recording a video or maintaining a record of events or data. It is commonly used in both formal and informal speech.

诗句 (shī jù)

In Chinese, '诗句' is used to translate the English word 'verse'. It commonly refers to a line from a poem or song or a piece of scripture. It can be used in various contexts, such as discussing literature, music, or religious texts.

跳舞 (tiào wǔ)

The Chinese word for dance is '跳舞'. In context, it conveys the act or skill of dancing. It can be used in various contexts just like in English. For instance, 我爱跳舞 (Wǒ ài tiàowǔ) translates to 'I love to dance'.

Example sentences with  跳舞
钢琴 (gāngqín)

The word '钢琴' is used in Chinese to refer to a musical instrument known as a piano in English. This instrument has a keyboard which, when the keys are struck, causes hammers to hit strings inside, creating sound. '钢琴' is used in various contexts, like music education, entertainment, and performance, much as the word 'piano' is used in English.

长笛 (zhǎng dí)

The Chinese word for flute is '长笛'. It is a high-pitched wind instrument widely used in both classical and modern music. The word can be used whenever referring to this particular instrument in a Chinese context, whether it's discussing an orchestra, a solo piece, or even just describing the instrument itself.

音乐 (yīn yuè)

In the context of movies, this term is used to describe a piece of music, song or anything musical that is used in the movie to enhance the movie watching experience for the audience.

Example sentences with  音乐
音乐会 (yīn yuè huì)

The Chinese word '音乐会' directly translates to 'music meeting', but is used in the context to refer to a concert. Just like in English, the word can be used to describe any gathering of musicians performing a piece in a public setting.


The Chinese word for 'drums' is '鼓'. It is a noun that refers to a musical instrument that produces sound by the striking of a drumhead with a beater. Similar to English, '鼓' can also be used in a broader sense to represent the entire drum kit in a music context. Additionally, it can also mean 'drum up,' 'beat,' or 'rattle' in various contexts.

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