Chinese Chinese Medical Vocabulary

Collection of Chinese vocabulary related to medicine, ideal for English students learning Chinese language.

伸展 (shēn zhǎn)

The Chinese word '伸展' is generally used in the context of a physical or figurative extension of something. Like in English, it may be used in relation to body movement such as stretching arms or legs, or in discussing the reach or spread of an influence or area. It can also be used in the context of time or discussion, such as stretching a moment or topic.

Example sentences with  伸展

The Chinese word '到' is used similarly to the English preposition 'to'. It is often used to express the destination of a movement or change. Just like in English, '到' is used in various complex grammatical structures.

Example sentences with  
医生 (yī shēng)

The Chinese word '医生' refers to a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.

医院 (yī yuàn)

The Chinese word for 'hospital' is '医院'. It is commonly used in China to refer to places where patients are treated by medical professionals. Just like in English, the word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as asking for directions to the nearest hospital, or talking about a visit to the hospital for a check-up or treatment. The sense or usage would then be determined by the context it is used in.

安慰 (ānwèi)

The Chinese word '安慰' is used to describe a sense of comfort or solace, similar to how 'relief' is used in English. It is often used in situations where someone is feeling better or more comfortable after a period of difficulty or discomfort.

Example sentences with  安慰
弱点 (ruòdiǎn)

The Chinese word '弱点' is used to refer to a weakness or shortcoming of something or someone. It can be used to describe physical, mental, or strategic weaknesses. This word is often used conversationally in describing personal feelings, strategies in business or games, and critical analyses.

Example sentences with  弱点
手术 (shǒu shù)

In Chinese, '手术' refers to 'surgery'. It is a noun typically used in medical scenarios, referring to the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, often with the use of surgical instruments. The term can apply to different areas such as '心脏手术' meaning 'heart surgery'.

抑郁症 (yì yù zhèng)

In Chinese, '抑郁症' is used to refer to depression, a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. It's often used in contexts related to mental health, psychology, and personal well-being. It can be used in various sentence structures, much like its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  抑郁症
护士 (hù shì)

The Chinese word for 'nurse' is '护士'. It is commonly used in the context of healthcare, referring to a person who is trained to provide care for people who are sick or injured. Like English, it can be used to refer to both male and female nurses.

治疗 (zhì liáo)

The word '治疗' is often used in medical context to refer to a method of healing or curing, or the management and care of a patient to combat a disease or disorder. Just as in English, it can be used broadly, referring either to physical ailments or mental health issues. It's also used in conversations regarding skincare, signifying the act of taking care of one's skin.

生病 (shēng bìng)

The Chinese word '生病' is used to describe a person who is not in good health. Just like the usage of 'sick' in English, it is often used when a person feels ill or has a disease. It can be used in various contexts including conversations, medical scenarios, etc.

Example sentences with  生病
疾病 (jí bìng)

The Chinese word for disease is '疾病'. This word is often used in a similar way as in English, referring to a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. It can be used in various contexts, such as in medical and health-related topics.

病人 (bìngrén)

In Chinese, '病人' refers to a person who is sick or suffering from an illness. It can be used in many contexts, such as '病人需要休息' (The patient needs to rest) or '病人正在接受治療' (The patient is under treatment). It is a common word used in healthcare settings.

私人的 (sī rén de)

The word '私人的' in Chinese is used similarly as 'private' in English. It refers to something that is specific to an individual or a selected group of people rather than the public. For instance, '私人的信息' would mean 'private information', and '私人的财产 would mean 'private property'.


The Chinese word for 'Sugar' is '糖'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the sweet, crystalline substance that comes from various plants, mainly sugar cane and sugar beet, which is used to sweeten food and drink. Examples of use could be '他喜欢在咖啡里加糖' (He likes to add sugar to his coffee).

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '累' is used similarly to the English word 'tired'. It is used to describe a feeling of needing rest or sleep because of hard work or lack of sleep. It can be used in a variety of situations just like in English, for example: 'I'm very tired' could be translated to '我非常累'.

first aid kit

The Chinese word for medicine is '药', pronounced as 'yào'. It is often used in the context of healthcare and treatment, similar to its usage in English. It can be used in phrases such as 'take medicine' (吃药 - chī yào) and 'prescription medicine' (处方药 - chǔ fāng yào).

药剂师 (yào jì shī)

In Chinese, '药剂师' is the term used for pharmacist. It refers to a professional who prepares and dispenses drugs and provides pharmaceutical advice. In common usage, it typically refers to someone working in a pharmacy or hospital who assists in dispensing medication. It is usually used in formal contexts, such as medical and pharmaceutical discussions.

酒精 (jiǔ jīng)

The Chinese word for alcohol is '酒精'. It can be used similar to the English context. For example, in sentences expressing consumption of alcohol or indicating the alcohol content in certain drinks, and so on.

食谱 (shípǔ)

The Chinese word '食谱' (shípǔ) is used to refer to a list of ingredients and the steps needed for cooking a particular dish or food. Similar to 'recipe' in English, it can be used in various contexts relating to food preparation and cooking. It is often used in conversations, cooking shows, cookbooks, and any discussion involving the preparation of food.

Example sentences with  食谱
饮食 (yǐnshí)

The Chinese word '饮食' encapsulates both drinking and eating habits, which is a suitable translation for 'diet' in English. In general, it is often used in the context of maintaining healthful habits or suggesting modifications to one's daily food intake.

Example sentences with  饮食
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