Chinese Chinese Learning: Literature

Immerse in Chinese literature, understand meanings and context of classical and contemporary works.


The Chinese word for 'book' is '书', pronounce as 'shū'. In Chinese, it is prominently used the same way as in English, to refer to a collection of pages bound together containing text for reading. It can be used in a variety of contexts including textbook (教科书), notebook (笔记本), etc.

作家 (zuò jiā)

The Chinese word '作家' represents the profession of writer in English. It is used to refer to someone who creates written work, be it poems, novels, plays or any other genre. Like many occupations, the term itself does not indicate the gender of the person, nor the specific style or genre of their work.

作者 (zuò zhě)

The Chinese word '作者' is used to refer to the individual who has created or written a particular piece of work. This might be a book, poem, article, or any other creative work. Similar to English, it can also be used in conjunction with other words. For example, '作者的观点' means 'author's opinion'.

剧情 (jù qíng)

This term is used to describe the sequence of events inside a story which affect other events through the principle of cause and effect.

Example sentences with  剧情
历史学家 (lì shǐ xué jiā)

The Chinese word '历史学家' is used to refer to a person who studies and writes about the past, and is seen as an authority on it. Just like in English, this word can be used in various contexts where the profession of the person is relevant or important.

小说 (xiǎoshuō)

The Chinese word for 'novel' is '小说.' This term is commonly used to refer to written works of fiction that are typically longer in length. Unlike short stories, which are '短篇小说', '小说' can encompass a broad range of genres, from romance to science fiction.

描述 (miáoshū)

The Chinese word '描述' is used similar to the English term 'describe'. It is often used when talking about detailing something or someone in words, or giving a detailed account in speech or writing.

故事 (gù shì)

In Chinese, '故事' (gù shì) refers to a story or a tale. It can be used to refer to both fictional and non-fictional narratives. The word consists of two characters: '故' which can mean 'cause' or 'reason', and '事' which means 'event' or 'matter'. When combined, these characters mean 'cause of an event' or 'reason for a matter' that conveys 'story'.

编辑 (biān jí)

The Chinese word '编辑' is used to depict a person who is responsible for preparing the content of a publication. Just like English, it can refer to any editor role, like a newspaper editor or film editor. It can be used in various contexts such as '新闻编辑' (news editor), '文本编辑' (text editor) and '电影编辑' (film editor).

Example sentences with  编辑
自动 (zìdòng)

The Chinese word '自动' is used much like the English word 'automatic'. It often refers to a process or action that happens without human intervention. It is a frequently used term in various fields such as automation technology, robotics, cars, etc.

角色 (jué sè)

This is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The character can be a main protagonist, a secondary protagonist, antagonist, etc.

Example sentences with  角色
论点 (lùn diǎn)

In Chinese, '论点' is a term used to describe an argument, or a point of view being discussed and debated. It can be used in various contexts such as discussions, debates, essays or legal cases. It is used to express a specific viewpoint or stance on a certain topic.

Example sentences with  论点

In Chinese, '诗' is used to describe a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction, rhythm, and imagery. It is broadly used in the same contexts and with the same nuances as 'poem' in English.

Example sentences with  
诗人 (shī rén)

In Chinese, '诗人' is used to refer to a person who composes poetry. This can range from ancient classical poets to modern contemporary poets. It can be used in a number of contexts, usually referring to one's occupation or in discussions about literature and arts.

Example sentences with  诗人
诗句 (shī jù)

In Chinese, '诗句' is used to translate the English word 'verse'. It commonly refers to a line from a poem or song or a piece of scripture. It can be used in various contexts, such as discussing literature, music, or religious texts.

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