Chinese Law and Justice Chinese Vocabulary

Learn Chinese vocabulary about law and justice. Improve your language skills and understand the legal system in China.

上诉 (shàng sù)

The Chinese word '上诉' is used in the context of law and order for referring to an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed. It can also be used to describe a serious or urgent request.

Example sentences with  上诉

The Chinese word '偷' is used in a similar way as the English word 'steal'. It typically refers to the act of taking someone else's property without permission and with the intention of keeping it. For example, '他偷了我的钱包' means 'He stole my wallet'.

Example sentences with  
嫌疑人 (xián yí rén)

The Chinese word for 'suspect' is '嫌疑人'. This term is often used in legal and crime-related contexts to refer to someone who is suspected of committing a crime. Similar to English, it can be used as a noun to describe a person under suspicion, or as a verb, to express doubt or mistrust.

Example sentences with  嫌疑人
安慰 (ānwèi)

The Chinese word '安慰' is used to describe a sense of comfort or solace, similar to how 'relief' is used in English. It is often used in situations where someone is feeling better or more comfortable after a period of difficulty or discomfort.

Example sentences with  安慰
律师 (lǜshī)

The Chinese word for lawyer is '律师'. It is used to refer to a person who practices or studies law; an attorney or a counsel. For example, '我的律师会处理这件事' means 'My lawyer will handle this matter'.

打印 (dǎ yìn)

The word '打印' in Chinese is used similarly to the English 'print'. It is mostly used in the context of printing out a document or something similar, making a text or image visible on paper or other appropriate medium through a device, usually a printer.

Example sentences with  打印
投诉 (tóu sù)

The Chinese word '投诉' is equivalent to the English word 'complaint'. It is used in the same context as in English, typically in situations where someone expresses dissatisfaction or unhappiness about a situation, a service, product, or person. It's commonly used in customer service scenarios where customers express their dissatisfaction with the product or service they received.

Example sentences with  投诉
攻击 (gōngjí)

In Chinese, '攻击' ('gōngjí') is used to describe an aggressive action, which can be either physical or verbal, against a person or object. This can be used in many contexts including but not limited to military, sports, or in a debate setting. It conveys a sense of initiating a hostile action with the intent to harm or overpower.

有罪 (yǒu zuì)

The Chinese word '有罪' is pronounced 'yǒuzuì' and it literally translates to 'have guilt'. It is used in the same context as in English: to express responsibility for a wrongdoing or crime. It can also be used to describe a guilty feeling or conscience.

正义 (zhèng yì)

The term '正义' in Chinese is often used in various contexts just like it is in English. It can refer to administrative justice, moral justice, or even refer to righteousness. It is the concept of ethical rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or it can be the fairness or rightful claims. It is used to assert fairness in a social context or analyzing a complex scenario.

死亡 (sǐwáng)

In Chinese, '死亡' is used to refer to the cessation of life. It can be used in many contexts just like in English, such as natural death, accidental death, etc. This term is widely used in literature, daily conversation, and news reporting among other scenarios.

目击者 (mùjìzhě)

The Chinese term '目击者', pronounced as 'mùjìzhě', refers to a person who has personally seen something occur, especially a crime or accident. This word is commonly used in legal and criminal contexts, similar to its usage in English, and can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation.

轨道 (guǐ dào)

The Chinese term '轨道' is used for representing the English word 'track'. It is commonly applied in train tracks, music tracks, or even tracking a path or course. Beside physical tracks, this term can also metaphorically describe the path someone takes in life or career.

Example sentences with  轨道
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