Chinese Learn Chinese: Industry and Energy

This is a page for learning the Chinese terminology for various industry and energy concepts.

发展 (fā zhǎn)

In Chinese, '发展' is used to describe the process of developing or growing, be it in areas such as business, skills, personal growth, or a nation. Its usage is similar to that of 'development' in English. It's a commonly used word in both informal and formal conversations.

因素 (yīn sù)

The Chinese word '因素' is used similarly to the English word 'factor'. It is often used to describe one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation. For instance, it can be used in a sentence like '这个决定是由许多因素影响的' which translates to 'This decision was influenced by many factors'.


The Chinese word for home is '家'. It is used in the context of indicating one's dwelling or a place where one lives, similar to how it is interpreted in English. This could refer to an actual physical house, an apartment, a town or city, or even a country. Furthermore, '家' also conveys a sense of warmness and charm because home is a place of comfort for many people. It can be used in various phrases and expressions to depict family, household, or a sense of belonging.

建设 (jiàn shè)

The Chinese word for 'construction' is '建设', often used in contexts pertaining to building or creating infrastructures. It can refer to any kind of construction, from building houses to roads to office skyscrapers. Apart from 'construction', it could also loosely translate to 'building' or 'establishment'.

Example sentences with  建设
房地产 (fángdìchǎn)

In Chinese, '房地产' refers to property consisting of land or buildings. It can be used in many contexts such as: real estate market (房地产市场), real estate industry (房地产业), and real estate development (房地产开发).

技术的 (jìshù de)

The Chinese word '技术的' is generally used to describe things that have a relation to a special kind of knowledge or skill, especially in relation to computers, engineering or other types of machinery. It can also refer to something that's specialized or complicated. For example, it can be used in the phrase '技术的问题' which means 'technical problems'.

收藏 (shōucáng)

In Chinese, '收藏' is used to describe a group of objects acquired and kept for aesthetic, cultural, research or historical value. It can also mean the act of collecting various types of objects, similar to the interpretation of 'collection' in English.

Example sentences with  收藏
模式 (mó shì)

The Chinese word '模式' is the closest direct translation of 'pattern' in English. It is widely used in daily conversation and formal texts, resembling the usage in English. It is often used to refer to a particular way in which something is done or organized.


In Chinese, the word for oil is '油'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as cooking oil ('食用油'), motor oil ('机油') or oily ('油腻'). Chinese cuisine typically makes use of various types of oils for frying, sautéing, and other cooking methods.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '砖' is used to refer to a rectangular shape hard material used in construction. It can be used in various ways in a sentence, for instance, '我正在搬砖' means 'I'm moving bricks'. It can also be used metaphorically, to indicate hard work or perseverance.

Example sentences with  
稳定 (wěn dìng)

The Chinese word '稳定' represents stability, steadiness, or balance. It is usually used in various contexts where stability is emphasized, such as emotional stability, economic stability or stability in a system. For example, in sentence '我们需要一个稳定的经济体系'(We need a stable economic system), '稳定' is used to stress the need for steadiness in an economic system.

Example sentences with  稳定
网络 (wǎngluò)

In Chinese, '网络' (wǎngluò) refers to a network or netting. It can be used to describe a computer network, a social network, an organizational network, and so on. Furthermore, it can also refer to the internet.

能量 (néng liàng)

The Chinese word '能量' is used to denote energy in both the physical and metaphysical sense. It can refer to kinetic, potential, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms of energy. Additionally, in a broader and more abstract context, it can also be used to express 'vitality' or 'vigorousness'.

行业 (háng yè)

In Chinese, '行业' is used to describe a particular form or sector of business or manufacture. It's similar to its English counterpart 'industry' in that it could refer to various branches of commercial endeavor and is often used in contexts that discuss business, economies or sectors. It's a formal word commonly seen in written language or formal conversations.

设备 (shè bèi)

The Chinese word for equipment is '设备'. It is a commonly used word in industrial and technological fields to denote tools, machinery, or other necessary items for a particular purpose or job. It can also be used in a general sense to refer to things that are needed for a task, activity, or undertaking.

贸易 (màoyì)

The Chinese term for 'trade' is '贸易' (màoyì). It is used in the same context as in English, meaning the action of buying and selling goods and services. It could be used in various contexts such as international trade ('国际贸易'), trade agreement ('贸易协议'), or trade surplus ('贸易顺差').

Example sentences with  贸易
钓鱼 (diào yú)

In Chinese, 'fishing' is translated as '钓鱼'. This word is most commonly used to express the activity of catching fish, either as a sport or as a means of getting food. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the action of attempting to get something in a roundabout way.


The Chinese word for 'iron' is '铁'. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to how it is used in English. It can refer to the specific metal substance, objects made from iron, or figuratively in expressions to symbolize strength or stubbornness.

Example sentences with  
阻挡 (zǔ dǎng)

The Chinese word '阻挡' is used in context quite similarly to 'block' in English. It can refer to physically blocking something or someone, or abstractly blocking a process or action. For example, one might use it to describe blocking a road, a path, or an idea.

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