Chinese Learn Chinese: Household Words

This category consists of words related to household items in Chinese. Suitable for beginners learning Chinese.


The Chinese word for 'iron' is '铁'. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to how it is used in English. It can refer to the specific metal substance, objects made from iron, or figuratively in expressions to symbolize strength or stubbornness.

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The Chinese word for bell is '铃' (líng). Just like in English, it can refer to a device that makes a ringing sound as a signal or warning. It is often used in contexts of school bells, alarm clocks, doorbells, etc., but can also be used metaphorically.

镜子 (jìng zi)

The Chinese word for 'mirror' is '镜子'. It is used in a similar context as it is in English, referring to an object that reflects light and images. It can be found in various phrases and idioms in Chinese, often symbolizing reflection and introspection.


The Chinese character '门' is used to refer to the concept of a door in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the usage of 'door' in English. For example, it can be used alone to refer to a physical door, or coupled with other words in expressions such as '门口' (doorway), '安全门' (safety door), '电梯门' (elevator door) and so on.

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