Chinese Chinese Vocabulary: Fruits

Learn and practice the names of different fruits in Chinese. Expand your vocabulary with exercises and quizzes.

柠檬 (níng méng)

The Chinese word '柠檬' is used to refer to the citrus fruit known as 'lemon' in English. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as cooking, baking, and as a flavoring for dishes and drinks.


In Chinese, '梅' refers to the fruit and the tree known as a plum in English. It is used in the same context as it's English counterpart. This is a common fruit in China and has cultural significance, often associated with resilience and perseverance because it blooms in winter. The word '梅' is also used in names, literature and art.

樱桃 (yīng táo)

The word '樱桃' is used to refer to the fruit known as cherry in English. In China, cherries are liked by many for their sweet and sour taste. They are often consumed fresh or used in cooking for making desserts or sauces. '樱桃' can also metaphorically refer to young, attractive women, somewhat similar to the English use of 'cherry'.

芒果 (Mángguǒ)

In Chinese, mango is pronounced as 'Mángguǒ'. It's a popular fruit in China, especially during the summer months. Just like in English, mango can refer to both the fruit and the tree it grows on.

苹果 (píng guǒ)

The Chinese word for apple is '苹果' (píngguǒ). It is commonly used in casual and formal speech and text. It can also appear in compound words for different types of apples or apple related items, just like it is used in English.

菠萝 (bō luó)

In Chinese, 'pineapple' is translated as '菠萝' (bō luó). It is used in the same way as in English, referring to the sweet tropical fruit. It is used in various contexts, such as food, recipes, and also colloquially in certain phrases and sayings.

黑莓 (hēi méi)

The Chinese word for blackberry is 黑莓, pronounced as 'hēi méi'. It is used just like how the English word 'blackberry' is used, to refer to the fruit, or to the brand of smartphone and related technology products.

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