Chinese Finance Vocabulary

A collection of Chinese words related to finance, ideal for English-speaking students starting to learn Chinese.

付款 (fù kuǎn)

In Chinese, '付款' is used to refer to the act of paying for a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of transactions, both online and offline. It could also refer to the amount that is to be paid.

Example sentences with  付款
价格 (jiàgé)

The Chinese word '价格' is used in much the same way as the English word 'price'. It is used to denote the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something. It can be used in various contexts, including in sentences such as asking the price of goods in a shop or market, or discussing the price of commodities or stock in financial markets.

会议 (huì yì)

The Chinese word for meeting '会议' is used in contexts such as formal discussions or gatherings, business conferences or assemblies. It is not typically used in casual settings when two people meet. The term is applicable for business meetings, conferences, and seminars.

供应 (gōng yìng)

In Chinese, '供应' refers to the act of providing something that is needed or wanted. It can be used in various contexts, such as in economics to discuss the production of goods and services, or in everyday language to talk about providing for someone's needs.

Example sentences with  供应
便宜 (pián yí)

The Chinese word '便宜' (pronounced as 'pián yí') is used to describe something that costs little money or less than usual. For example, if you want to say 'This shirt is cheap', you would say '这件衬衫很便宜' in Chinese.

Example sentences with  便宜
保存 (bǎocún)

In Chinese, '保存' (bǎocún) is used similarly to the English 'save'. It can mean to preserve something, like saving a document or an email, but also to conserve resources, like saving electricity or water. It usually conveys the idea of 'keep for future use'.


In Chinese, the word for 'letter' is '信'. It's often used in the context of mailing or writing a letter to someone. In Chinese, it holds a similar usage like in English, where it can signify a paper correspondence sent to someone. However, it doesn't mean the alphabet letters.

储蓄 (chǔxù)

The Chinese word for savings is '储蓄'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the part of a person's income that is not spent but rather accumulated or invested. The term can be found in various contexts such as personal finance, banking, and economics.

Example sentences with  储蓄
利润 (lì rùn)

The Chinese word for 'profit' is '利润', commonly used in financial and business contexts. It refers to the financial return or gain made from an investment, sale, or business operation, equivalent to the English term 'profit'.

Example sentences with  利润
利益 (lì yì)

The word '利益' in Chinese is generally used to describe a profit or gain from something, which very similar to the English word 'benefit'. It can be used in different contexts like personal benefits, benefits from a particular action, or situation, etc.

卡片 (kǎ piàn)

In Chinese, '卡片' is used to refer to any type of card, just like in English. It could be a greeting card, credit card or game card. When using it in a sentence, you can put it after a noun to specify the type of the card, as in '信用卡' which means credit card.

变化 (biàn huà)

In Chinese, '变化' is often used to denote 'change' or 'transformation' in various contexts. It can relate to a change in circumstances, behavior, ideas, etc. Always in motion, change reflects the dynamic nature of life.

基金 (Jījīn)

In Chinese, '基金' (Jījīn) is often used to refer to a pool of money that is collected and managed for a specific purpose. It is typically used in a financial or investment context, such as a mutual fund. The Chinese term consists of two characters: '基' (Jī), which usually is understood as basic or foundation, and '金' (Jīn), which translates to gold, a common metonym for money or wealth.

存款 (cún kuǎn)

The Chinese word '存款' is most commonly used to refer to funds placed into a secure account for safekeeping or a financial investment purpose. It can be used in various contexts like bank transactions, or other situations where something of value is placed into a secure environment.

Example sentences with  存款
富有 (Fùyǒu)

In Chinese, 'rich' is translated to '富有' (Fùyǒu). This is generally used to refer to a person who possesses great material wealth. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is rich or abundant in another sense, like a rich history or a room rich with color.

Example sentences with  富有
平衡 (píng héng)

In Chinese, the term '平衡' refers to 'balance'. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical balance, emotional balance or financial balance. It can be used to describe a situation where different things exist in equal or correct amounts. For example, it can be used to describe a well-balanced diet (平衡饮食) or a balance of power (力量平衡).

Example sentences with  平衡
成本 (chéngběn)

The Chinese term '成本' is used similarly to the English term 'cost'. It's used to express the amount of money that needs to be spent to buy, do, or make something. In context, it could be used in sentences like '这个项目的成本是多少?' which translates to 'What is the cost of this project?'.

抑郁症 (yì yù zhèng)

In Chinese, '抑郁症' is used to refer to depression, a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. It's often used in contexts related to mental health, psychology, and personal well-being. It can be used in various sentence structures, much like its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  抑郁症
投资 (tóu zī)

In Chinese, the term for 'investment' is '投资' pronounced as 'tóu zī'. It is used similarly as in English - to refer to the action or process of investing money for profit or material result. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, finance, and economics.

抵押 (dǐyā)

The Chinese word for mortgage is 抵押. This is typically used in financial or legal contexts, such as when purchasing property. The characters individually mean to 'use as collateral' which effectively captures the English meaning. You will frequently come across this term in banks, real estate transactions, and legal documents.

Example sentences with  抵押
收入 (shōu rù)

The Chinese word '收入' which means 'income' is commonly used in financial and economic contexts to refer to the money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing goods, services, or through investing capital. It represents the gain that is made by providing labor or the use of resources.


The Chinese word '率' is used to denote a proportion, rate, or ratio. In terms of usage, it generally appears in the context of statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics, similar to how 'rate' is used in English.

现金 (xiàn jīn)

The Chinese word '现金' is used very similar to how 'cash' is used in English. It refers to money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins. In context, you might use '现金' while purchasing items in a store, or when discussing financial topics.

Example sentences with  现金
舒适 (shū shì)

The Chinese word '舒适' would be used similarly to how 'comfortable' is used in English. It can be used to describe a variety of things, such as clothes, furniture, or even the atmosphere. In any context where you can describe something as 'comfortable' in English, '舒适' would be an appropriate word to use in Chinese.

Example sentences with  舒适
花费 (huā fèi)

The Chinese word for 'spend' is '花费' (huā fèi). It is notably used in contexts when we talk about spending time or money. Like in English, it can be used in various situations where consumption, expenditure, or usage is being discussed.

薪水 (xīn shuǐ)

In Chinese, '薪水' translates to 'salary'. This is commonly used in conversations and text to represent the remuneration that an individual receives for their work, much like its English equivalent. It is always suitable in a professional and casual context.

行动 (xíng dòng)

In Chinese, '行动' is used to represent an act or a move. It can be used broadly in a number of contexts, whether it's referring to a physical movement (like running or walking), an orchestrated operation, or a decisive act taken in a particular situation. Just as in English, '行动' can also imply forward momentum or progress.

财产 (cái chǎn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'property' is translated as '财产'. This term generally refers to something owned or controlled by an individual or organization, such as land, buildings, money, rights, etc. Just like in English, it is widely used in legal, financial, and general conversations.

账单 (zhàngdān)

The Chinese word '账单' is used similarly to the English word 'bill', referring to an invoice for a purchase or service rendered. This word can be used in a variety of contexts including restaurants, shopping, utilities, and more.

账户 (zhàng hù)

The Chinese word '账户' corresponds to the English word 'account', which can refer to a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose. In Chinese context, it could relate to a bank account, a user account for a website, or an account for a service like electricity or internet.

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