Chinese Learn Chinese: Farewell Expressions

Explore various Chinese farewell expressions. Understand their meanings, pronunciation, and contexts of use in daily communication.

下次见 (xià cì jiàn)
Until next time

In Chinese, '下次见' is a common phrase used when you are saying goodbye to someone and you know that you will see them again in the future. It signifies the speaker's anticipation of the next meeting. It can be used in casual or formal conversations and can be used with friends, family, or work colleagues.

再见 (zài jiàn)

The Chinese word '再见' is used similar to how 'bye' is used in English. It is typically used as a farewell or when parting from other people. It can be used both in formal and casual situations.

我们会见面 (wǒmen huì jiànmiàn)
We'll see each other

The English phrase 'we'll see each other' is used to express a future event where two or more people will meet or encounter each other. It usually implies a specific plan or arrangement made by the parties involved. In Chinese, '我们会见面' carries the same sense of future planning and arrangement. It's a phrase often used in everyday communication, especially when setting appointments or dates.

明天见 (míng tiān jiàn)
See you tomorrow

The phrase '明天见' is a common Chinese phrase used to express the sentiment of 'see you tomorrow'. It is used when parting ways and is indicative of an intention to meet or communicate again the next day. '明天' means 'tomorrow', and '见' means 'see'. It is appropriate in both formal and informal contexts.

永别 (yǒng bié)
Goodbye forever

The Chinese phrase '永别' is used when you're saying goodbye to someone and implying that you may not meet again, similar to the English 'goodbye forever'. It carries a certain heaviness and sadness, and is typically not used lightly.

直到那时 (zhí dào nà shí)
Until then

The Chinese phrase '直到那时' is used to refer to a future point in time, the same way 'until then' is used in English. It is often used in conversational and written language to describe an event or condition that will continue up to a certain time point in future.

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