Chinese Disciplines and Artistic Qualities

A collection of words related to various disciplines and the unique artistic qualities they possess.

创建 (chuàng jiàn)

In Chinese, '创建' (chuàng jiàn) means 'create'. It is used much in the same way as it is in English, to denote the act of bringing something into existence. It could be used when talking about creating art, a new process, or creating an account or identifier in a digital context. Like English, it is not typically used for natural phenomena.

博物馆 (bó wù guǎn)

The Chinese word for museum is '博物馆'. It is used in the same context as it is in English, referring to a place where collections of artifacts or other items of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance are stored and displayed.

原始的 (yuán shǐ de)

The Chinese word '原始的' is used to describe something that is first or earliest, keeping its initial status and not having been altered. It can be used in many contexts, the same way 'original' is used in English. For example, it can be used to describe the original version of a book, the original taste of a food, or an original idea, among other things.

Example sentences with  原始的
小说 (xiǎoshuō)

The Chinese word for 'novel' is '小说.' This term is commonly used to refer to written works of fiction that are typically longer in length. Unlike short stories, which are '短篇小说', '小说' can encompass a broad range of genres, from romance to science fiction.

平衡 (píng héng)

In Chinese, the term '平衡' refers to 'balance'. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical balance, emotional balance or financial balance. It can be used to describe a situation where different things exist in equal or correct amounts. For example, it can be used to describe a well-balanced diet (平衡饮食) or a balance of power (力量平衡).

Example sentences with  平衡
想像力 (xiǎng xiàng lì)

The word '想像力' can be used in various contexts in the Chinese language. Similar to English, it can indicate the ability to imagine, or the scope and power of one's imagination. However, '想像力' should not be confused with terms like '创造力' (creativity), which give an additional sense of producing new ideas or things.

Example sentences with  想像力
照片 (zhào piàn)

The Chinese word for 'photo' is '照片' (zhào piàn). It is used in a similar context as in English; it can be used to refer to a single photo, an album of photos, or the concept of photography. For example, '这是我的照片' means 'This is my photo'.

艺术 (yìshù)

The Chinese term '艺术'(yìshù) is used exactly like 'art' in English. It generally refers to the manifestation of human creativity and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, such as 'visual 艺术'(visual art), 'contemporary 艺术'(contemporary art) etc.

艺术家 (yìshùjiā)

The term '艺术家' is used in the Chinese language to refer to someone who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a painter, musician, or writer. It can also be used more broadly to reference anyone who uses imagination, talent, or skill to create something new.

设计 (shè jì)

The Chinese word for 'design' is '设计'. This is a noun used to define the process of creating or planning something in a way that is new and different. It can refer to anything from designing a building to a website. It is often used in contexts like fashion design ('服装设计'), industrial design ('工业设计'), and graphic design ('平面设计').

风格 (fēng gé)

The word '风格' in Chinese refers to 'style' in English. It is a versatile word used in many contexts. For instance, it can be used to discuss someone's manner of handwriting, dressing or designing. It can also refer to a specific kind of artistic expression or the way a certain task is performed. It is frequently used in daily conversations, business discussions, or in the field of arts.

Example sentences with  风格
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