Chinese Chinese Vocabulary for Clothing

Learn and explore Chinese words related to clothing. Expand your vocabulary, understand Chinese culture better.

习惯 (xíguàn)

The Chinese word for 'habit' is '习惯', pronounced as 'xíguàn'. It signifies the regularly repeated actions or the tendencies that people do with or without realization. It is widely used in different contexts same way as in English.

Example sentences with  习惯
光滑 (guāng huá)

The word '光滑' translates to 'smooth' in English. In Chinese, it is used to describe a surface that is free from unevenness, roughness, or projections, vis-à-vis its texture. It could also describe a process or action that happens without any problems or difficulties.


The Chinese character '剪' is used in the same context as 'cut' in English. It can be used to describe reducing something (剪短), a physical action (剪纸) such as cutting paper, or modifying something (剪发), like getting a haircut.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'bag' is '包' (bāo). This term mainly refers to a flexible container with an opening at the top, used for holding items. In Chinese, it can also be used in various compound words for different types of bags, such as '手提包' (handbag), '书包' (schoolbag), '钱包' (wallet), and so forth.

外套 (wàitào)

The Chinese word for coat is 外套 (wàitào). It is a common term used to describe a type of clothing that is typically worn over other garments during colder weather. This word can be used in various contexts, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  外套
宽的 (kuān de)

In Chinese, '宽的' is used to describe something that has a large distance or extent from side to side. Similar to English, it can be used to describe physical objects like streets or rivers, as well as more abstract concepts like a wide range of knowledge.

帽子 (mào zi)

The term cap in Chinese is '帽子'. It can be used in sentences just like 'cap' in English. For example, '他的帽子挺漂亮' or 'His cap is pretty.' Just like in English, it represents a certain type of headwear.

Example sentences with  帽子

In Chinese, 'fold' is often used to refer to the act or process of bending something over onto itself. It could also refer to a bend in a layer or in a surface. It can be used in various contexts like folding a piece of paper, folding clothes or metaphorically to describe an increase or decrease in amount.

Example sentences with  
条件 (tiáo jiàn)

The Chinese word '条件' is largely used similarly as 'condition' in English. It has a flexible usage and can refer to terms or prerequisites needed for a particular action or situation to occur similarly as in English. It can also be part of compound words that include terms such as 'physical conditions', 'conditions of an agreement', 'conditions for success', and so on.

模型 (mó xíng)

In Chinese, the word '模型' is used in a very similar way to 'model' in English. It can refer to a representation or a simulation of a system that is often used in analyzing how the system works.

脖子 (bó zi)

The Chinese term for 'neck' is '脖子'. It is a common term and is used in the same contexts as it would be in English, referring to the part of the body which connects the head and the rest of the body.

Example sentences with  脖子
舌头 (shé tóu)

The Chinese word for 'tongue' is '舌头' (shétóu). It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like in English, to refer to the muscular organ in the mouth, or metaphorically, such as in the expression 'mother tongue'. However, when translated directly, 'tongue' may not always mean '舌头'. The context always matters in Chinese.

Example sentences with  舌头
蝙蝠 (biānfú)

In Chinese, 'bat' is translated into '蝙蝠' (biānfú). It is used the same way as in English, to refer to the nocturnal flying mammal. It is also rich in Chinese cultural symbolism, often associated with luck and happiness as its pronunciation 'fú' sounds like the word for 'fortune' or 'happiness'.

Example sentences with  蝙蝠
衬衫 (chèn shān)

In Chinese, 'shirt' is translated to '衬衫'. This word is quite common and used in daily conversation to refer to the upper body garment typically with a collar, sleeves, and a front opening. As in English, it can be used in various contexts like shopping, talking about someone's clothing, and so on.

裤子 (kùzi)

The Chinese word for 'pants' is '裤子'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a piece of clothing that covers the waist to the ankles, dividing for each leg. It is a commonly used word in everyday conversation when talking about clothes.

西装 (xī zhuāng)

The Chinese word for 'suit' is '西装'. It is used the same way as in English, to refer to a set of men's or women's clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt, made from the same material. The word '西装' can be used in various contexts where formal attire is being discussed.

Example sentences with  西装

The Chinese word for 'shoes' is '鞋' (pronounced xié). Just like in English, this word can refer to many different types of footwear depending on the context. It's commonly used in everyday conversation, and you might often hear it in phrases like '鞋子' (xiézi, meaning 'pair of shoes') or '运动鞋' (yùndòng xié, meaning 'sneakers').

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