Chinese Classroom Vocabulary List

A collection of words related to classroom settings, ideal for beginner Chinese learners.

老师 (lǎo shī)

In Chinese, '老师' (lǎo shī) is used to address or refer to teachers. It is applicable for all types of teacher, such as a school teacher, music teacher, or sports coach. As China holds a strong reverence for education, the term is also used as an honorific for experts in a given field, even if they don't formally teach in a school or educational institution.

职业 (zhí yè)

The Chinese word '职业' is used to refer to one's profession or occupation. It's often used when asking about what someone does for a living, as well as discussing career prospects or choices.

草稿 (cǎo gǎo)

The Chinese word for 'draft' is '草稿'. It is generally used in the context of drafting a document, proposal, or sketch, similar to its English counterpart. It can be used in various scenarios where a preliminary version of a piece needs to be prepared before the final version.

Example sentences with  草稿
行政 (xíng zhèng)

In Chinese, '行政' refers to the act of managing or supervising an organization or effort. This could apply to the management of the government, businesses, or any other organization. It is commonly used in contexts like government administration ('政府行政') or business administration ('企业行政') to refer to the upper management department that executes the strategies and policies.

规则 (guīzé)

In English, 'rule' can be both a noun and a verb, generally indicating a prescribed direction for conduct or action. In Chinese, '规则' is also both a noun and a verb and holds a similar meaning, often used in the context of regulations, standards, and methods. It is a commonly used word in daily life and business settings.

训练 (xùn liàn)

The word '训练' in Chinese is used very similarly to 'training' in English. It can mean the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill for a regular activity or profession. Examples include training for a competition, training a pet, or training in a particular field.

记住 (jì zhù)
to memorize

In Chinese, '记住' is used to refer to the act of memorizing or remembering something. It can be used in contexts where you are asking someone to remember a certain fact, detail, or piece of information.

记忆 (jìyì)

The Chinese word for 'memory' is '记忆' (jìyì). Much like in English, it can be used to reference the mental process that allows you to encode, store, and recall information. It can also be used in more specific contexts to refer to a specific remembrance or recollection. Its usage can be found in various contexts such as psychology, everyday conversation, literature, and so on.

to read

The Chinese term '读' corresponds with the English phrase 'to read'. It is predominantly used in context of reading a book, newspaper, or any form of written text. '读' can be used in various types of sentences, like commands, queries, and statements.


The Chinese word '课' is widely used in academic and educational contexts. It is typically used to denote a period of learning or teaching, similar to the English word 'lesson'. For instance, '去上课' translates to 'go to class' or 'attend a lesson'.

Example sentences with  
课程 (kèchéng)

In Chinese, '课程' is a general term used to describe a series of lessons, whether in an educational setting such as a university, or in a less formal setting like an online study platform. It can be used in various contexts, such as '选修课程' (elective course), '课程表' (course schedule), or '课程内容' (course content).

重复 (zhòng fù)

The Chinese word '重复' is used similar to how the English word 'repeat' is used. It implies to do or say something again. It can be used in everyday conversations, and it may also be used in technical contexts, such as in mathematics or computer science fields to indicate repetition of a process or action.

Example sentences with  重复
铅笔 (qiān bǐ)

In Chinese, the word for pencil is '铅笔'. It is used in the same way as it is in English, to refer to a tool used for writing or drawing. It can be part of compound words or phrases, but it is mostly used on its own.

锻炼 (Duànliàn)

The Chinese word for 'exercise' is '锻炼' (Duan4lian4). It is used in China to refer to the English concept of physical or mental exercise, whether it involves sports, academic study, or health activities. This word is used in various contexts, just as 'exercise' is in English.

Example sentences with  锻炼

The Chinese character '门' is used to refer to the concept of a door in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the usage of 'door' in English. For example, it can be used alone to refer to a physical door, or coupled with other words in expressions such as '门口' (doorway), '安全门' (safety door), '电梯门' (elevator door) and so on.


The Chinese word for 'ask' is '问' (wèn). The contextual usage is similar to English. It can be used for questioning, inquiring or requesting for information. Some examples include '你可以问我问题' (You can ask me a question) or '我想问你一些事情' (I want to ask you some things).

Example sentences with  
页面 (yè miàn)

In Chinese, the word '页面' refers to a single side of a sheet of paper in a collection of sheets or in a book, magazine, etc. It can also be used to describe the particular section on a website or app.

顽皮 (wánpí)

The Chinese word '顽皮' is used to describe someone, especially a child, who is full of energy and fun. The term usually carries a positive connotation and is often used endearingly to describe playful behavior. It can be used in different contexts including describing a playful personality, joke, action or mood.

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