Chinese Classroom Vocabulary List

A collection of words related to classroom settings, ideal for beginner Chinese learners.

数学 (shù xué)

In Chinese, 数学 (shù xué) refers to the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns, known as mathematics in English. It is a fundamental discipline in China's education system, used in various fields such as science, engineering, economics, and many more. The term 数学 can be used in various contexts just like mathematics in English, such as discussing a person's mathematical ability, specific mathematical theories, or the general discipline of mathematics.

日程 (rì chéng)

In Chinese, '日程' is used to describe an arranged plan or timetable for work or activities. Similar to English, this word can be used in various contexts including personal, educational, or professional.

Example sentences with  日程
暂停 (zàn tíng)

In Chinese, '暂停' is widely used in the same context as 'pause' in English. It can mean a brief stop in action or speech. It can be used in a context like 'Press the pause button' - '按暂停按钮'. It can also be used to express a short delay, as in, 'Let's take a pause' - '我们来暂停一下'.

Example sentences with  暂停

In Chinese, '板' is a common word used to represent the English word 'board'. It can be used in various contexts such as 'blackboard', 'wooden board', etc. The usage can vary based on the word it is paired with. It's important to use it in context to convey the correct meaning.

案例 (àn lì)

The Chinese word '案例' is used to refer to a particular occurrence or phenomenon that is used as an example of a class or group, most importantly in the field of studies. It can also refer to a legal case in courts. Just like in English, it can be used both in formal and informal speech.

桌子 (zhuōzi)

The Chinese word '桌子' refers to 'table' in English. It can be used in many of the same contexts. For example, you can say '这是我的桌子' to mean 'This is my table'. In Chinese, nouns do not have plural forms, so '桌子' can mean one table or many tables based on the context.

椅子 (yǐ zi)

The word '椅子' in Chinese refers to any kind of seat with backrest, typically one for one person to sit on. It is frequently used in daily conversation just as 'chair' is used in English.

比较 (bǐ jiào)

The Chinese word '比较' is widely used in Chinese vocabulary to indicate comparison between two things. It can be used in different constructs just like the English word 'compare'. It is mostly used in statements of comparison and preference. For example, 我比较喜欢吃巧克力 (I prefer eating chocolate).

气象学 (qì xiàng xué)

In Chinese, 'meteorology' is known as '气象学'. This term is commonly used in science fields and lays the foundation for the phenomenon of weather and climate studies. Like in English, this word applies to the analysis, forecast of weather, and the understanding of the atmospheric factors that influence our environment and weather conditions.

测试 (cè shì)

In Chinese, '测试' is used to describe a method of measuring the performance, quality, or knowledge of someone or something. It can be used in similar contexts to the English word 'test', such as in academic examinations, product testing, and more.

海洋学 (hǎiyángxué)

In Chinese, '海洋学' (hǎiyángxué) is used to refer the branch of Earth Science that studies the ocean. It includes marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics, ocean currents and waves, plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor, and the chemical and physical properties of the ocean. It is commonly used in academic and scientific contexts.


The word '滑' translates to 'slide' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as 'slide down a hill' or 'the screen slides open'. It indicates the smooth movement of an object, often due to gravity or some sort of momentum, and can also refer to a surface that allows this sliding movement to take place.

Example sentences with  
演示 (yǎn shì)

The word '演示' in Chinese is used to refer to an act of presenting a topic or issue, especially in a formal setting. It can be used in various contexts like business, education, public speaking, and so on.

物理 (wù lǐ)

The Chinese word for 'physics' is '物理'. This term is used similarly to how we use 'physics' in English, mostly in the context of education and scientific study. It's utilized when discussing or studying the basic principles of matter and energy, including heat, light, radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.

猜测 (cāi cè)

The Chinese word '猜测' is used in a similar way as 'guess' in English. It can refer to forming an opinion or estimate about something without sufficient information or knowledge. It can be used in various contexts where one needs to make a presumption or prediction.


The Chinese character for 'play' is '玩'. It is used in a similar manner to the English word 'play', denoting an activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. The concept can extend to any activities that people find enjoyable, including playful interaction with objects or individuals, participation in games or sports, or engaging in artistic and literary activities.

班级 (bān jí)

In Chinese, '班级' is used to refer to a group of students studying together at a school. Similar to English, it can also be used to refer to the meeting of this group for a lesson. Note that Chinese also uses different words for 'class' depending on the context, for example in referring to social classes.

生态学 (shēng tài xué)

The Chinese word '生态学' is typically used in academic related to environment studies. It encompasses the study of interactions among organisms and their environment, concerning about biodiversity, distribution, population, and behaviors. This term is frequently used in discussions regarding environmental policy and conservation efforts.

生物学 (shēng wù xué)

In Chinese, 生物学 is used to refer to the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development, and evolution. It is used in the same way the English word 'biology' is used.

电脑 (diànnǎo)

In Chinese, the word '电脑' is used to refer to a computer. The term is commonly used in everyday language. While it directly translates to 'electric brain', it is used in the same context as 'computer' is used in English.


The Chinese word '画' is used to mean 'draw', 'sketch', or 'paint'. Similar to English, it can be used in multiple contexts including drawing a picture or drawing a conclusion.

知识 (zhī shi)

In Chinese, '知识' is used to refer to someone's understanding or awareness about certain information, facts, skills, etc., which are obtained through experience or education. It is often used in the same context as we use 'knowledge' in English.

知道 (zhī dào)
to know

The Chinese word '知道' is used to express 'to know' or 'be aware of'. It is primarily used when someone knows some information or understanding about a particular topic. It can be used in past, present and future tense, just like in English.

研究 (yán jiū)

The Chinese word '研究' is used to refer to a detailed study or examination to discover and explain new knowledge. It can be used in various contexts including academic, scientific, business, etc. Just like in English, it can serve as both a noun and a verb.

科学 (kē xué)

In Chinese, '科学' (kē xué) is the term for 'science'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a systematic and structured body of knowledge involving testable explanations and predictions about the universe. It can be used in various contexts, such as in phrases about specific sciences (like '物理科学' for 'physical science') or in general discussions about scientific concepts or methods.


The Chinese word for 'pen' is '笔'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, and it could refer to any instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.

Example sentences with  
笔记本 (bǐ jì běn)

The Chinese word '笔记本' is used to refer to a notebook. Much like in English, it can be used to describe the stationery item used for writing, or the personal computer which is portable and foldable like a notebook. Context usually gives away the meaning that is intended.

纪律 (jì lǜ)

In Chinese, the word 'discipline' translates to '纪律'. Unlike English, Chinese verbs do not require modification for different tense, similar to '纪律' which is always used as it is. It is often used in schools, army, social organizations and workplaces, to indicate rules that govern behavior.

Example sentences with  纪律

The Chinese word for paper is '纸' (zhǐ). This is a widely used term in China, relating to anything from document paper to paper for arts and crafts. It's also used in idioms and everyday phrases. An example could be '书写纸', meaning 'writing paper'.

练习 (liàn xí)
to practice

The Chinese word for 'to practice' is '练习'. It is often used in a similar manner as in English, to describe the act of engaging in an activity repeatedly for the purpose of improving or maintaining one's proficiency. For example, you might hear it used in sentences such as '我需要更多的练习' ('I need more practice') or '你应该每天练习' ('You should practice every day').

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