Chinese Cinema and Theatre - Chinese Vocabulary

Learn Chinese vocabulary related to Cinema and Theatre, including popular phrases, idioms, and terms used in film and stage performance.

之间 (zhī jiān)

The Chinese word '之间'(zhī jiān) corresponds to 'between' in English. It is often used to represent a relationship, indicating that something is in the middle of two objects or points in time. It is widely used in both formal and informal settings.

公开 (gōngkāi)

In Chinese, '公开' (gōngkāi) is widely used, also it literally meaning 'public'. It has a similar usage to the English term, used to describe things that are open to the general public or things that are not hidden or private. For example, '公开课' (gōngkāi kè) is a public/open class in China.

分布 (fēn bù)

The Chinese word '分布' is used to describe the way things are spread over a certain area or period of time. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including statistical, geographical, and chronological distribution.

剧本 (jù běn)

The word '剧本' in Chinese is used to refer to a written work by a playwright, also known as a script in English. It is commonly used in the context of theater, film, or television, where it outlines the movements, actions, dialogue, and gestures of the actors or performers. It is the foundational text that the director and actors use to create their performances.

功能 (gōngnéng)

In Chinese, the word 'function' translates to '功能'. This term is used similarly to English, describing the role or purpose that something is designed to fulfill. For example, it can be used while talking about the functions of a certain device or the functions within a program or algorithm.

Example sentences with  功能
场景 (chǎng jǐng)

This term is used to signify a part of a film dealing with a specific event or series of connected events happening at one place and time.

Example sentences with  场景
女演员 (nǚ yǎnyuán)

The Chinese for 'actress' is '女演员'. It can be used to refer to a woman who performs in films, plays, or television productions. Similar to English, it highlights the gender of the performer. So when talking about a specific woman who performs, we would use '女演员'.

字幕 (zì mù)

In Chinese, '字幕' implies the lines or text that appear at the bottom of visual content - like films, television programmes, or video games - to translate dialogues, commentaries, or narrative from one language to another. It helps viewers to understand the content if they are unfamiliar with the language being spoken.

客观 (kè guān)

In Chinese, '客观' is used to indicate something is considered without bias, or based on facts rather than feelings or opinions. It can be used to describe a viewpoint, fact, or analysis that is objective.

Example sentences with  客观
导演 (dǎo yǎn)

This term refers to the individual responsible for the creative decisions and control of a film's production, similar to the English term 'director'.

Example sentences with  导演
屏幕 (píng mù)

In Chinese, '屏幕' is used to refer to any type of screen, be it a computer screen, a TV screen, or a movie screen. It can be used in various contexts, similarly to the English usage of 'screen'. For example, you can say 我的电脑屏幕坏了 which translates to 'My computer screen is broken'.

Example sentences with  屏幕
展示 (zhǎn shì)

In Mandarin, '展示' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'show'. It refers to displaying or presenting something to be seen, or to prove or explain something. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts. For instance, you can '展示' a project in a business meeting or '展示' your cooking skills to your friends.

座位 (zuò wèi)

The Chinese word '座位' is used to denote a place for someone to sit, such as in a car, in a theater, or in a classroom. It is a common Chinese word and is used in the same contexts as the English word 'seat'. Please note that word order may vary in different sentence structures in Chinese.

戏剧 (xì jù)

The Chinese word for drama, '戏剧', is used in much the same way as in English. It can refer to a TV, film, or stage production in the dramatic genre, involving conflict or contrast of character. It may also refer to a situation involving interesting or intense conflict

Example sentences with  戏剧

In Chinese, 'fold' is often used to refer to the act or process of bending something over onto itself. It could also refer to a bend in a layer or in a surface. It can be used in various contexts like folding a piece of paper, folding clothes or metaphorically to describe an increase or decrease in amount.

Example sentences with  
样本 (yàngběn)

The Chinese translation '样本' is used similarly to the English word 'sample'. It can refer to an example or specimen. It is often used in contexts like research, shopping (free samples), statistics, or music (audio samples).

Example sentences with  样本
框架 (kuàngjià)

The Chinese word '框架' is used to represent 'frame' in English. It is often used when mentioning frames for pictures or reference, structural systems or frameworks. Just like 'frame' in English, '框架' can imply physical and metaphorical meanings depending on the context. It is also frequently utilized in the tech sector when referring to software or systems 'framework'.

Example sentences with  框架
演员 (yǎn yuán)

This term can be used to refer to both male and female actors in a movie, similar to the term 'actor' in English.

Example sentences with  演员
演示 (yǎn shì)

The word '演示' in Chinese is used to refer to an act of presenting a topic or issue, especially in a formal setting. It can be used in various contexts like business, education, public speaking, and so on.

特效 (tè xiào)
special effects

These are illusions or visual tricks used in the film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the envisioned events in a story or virtual world.

Example sentences with  特效
电影 (diàn yǐng)

This is a generic term for movie. It is used broadly just as the English term is.

Example sentences with  电影
电影院 (diàn yǐng yuàn)

The Chinese word '电影院' translates to 'cinema' in English. It is used in the same setting as in English, referring to a place where films are shown publicly in specially designed buildings. It is most often used when discussing favorite movies, planning to watch a movie, or talking about weekend activities.

经典 (jīngdiǎn)

The Chinese word '经典' literally translates to 'classic'. It is used to refer to something that has been judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. For instance, a classic piece of literature, film, music, etc. It can also be used to describe anything that is typical or traditional.

Example sentences with  经典
背景 (bèi jǐng)

In Chinese, '背景' is used similarly as the English term 'background'. It can refer to someone's experience, history, or social and economic status. Additionally, it can also indicate the setting or scenery behind the main object in a picture or scene. It is widely used in various contexts, such as in education, work, or daily conversations.

舞台 (wǔtái)

The Chinese word '舞台' can be used to refer to a stage for performances. It is also used metaphorically to refer to a setting or a scene where certain activities occur.

表演 (biǎo yǎn)

The Chinese word '表演' is used in a similar way as 'performance' in English. It can refer to the act of performing a piece of music, drama, etc., on stage, or carrying out a particular task or function. However, it also covers a broader range of activities, such as various types of shows and demonstrations.

角色 (jué sè)

This is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The character can be a main protagonist, a secondary protagonist, antagonist, etc.

Example sentences with  角色
记录 (jì lù)

In Chinese, '记录' is used to connote the act of keeping a factual account of something or an instance of something. It can be used in various contexts like recording notes, recording a video or maintaining a record of events or data. It is commonly used in both formal and informal speech.

论点 (lùn diǎn)

In Chinese, '论点' is a term used to describe an argument, or a point of view being discussed and debated. It can be used in various contexts such as discussions, debates, essays or legal cases. It is used to express a specific viewpoint or stance on a certain topic.

Example sentences with  论点
音乐会 (yīn yuè huì)

The Chinese word '音乐会' directly translates to 'music meeting', but is used in the context to refer to a concert. Just like in English, the word can be used to describe any gathering of musicians performing a piece in a public setting.

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