Chinese Celebrations Vocabulary

A collection of words related to various celebrations observed in the Chinese culture and language.

啤酒 (píjiǔ)

In Chinese, '啤酒' refers to beer, an alcoholic beverage commonly made from water, barley, hops, and yeast. It is consumed in a wide range of social settings and is a staple in many cultural celebrations and traditions. It can be found in various restaurants, bars, and pubs in China, and it is traditionally consumed chilled.

Example sentences with  啤酒
圣诞节 (shèng dàn jié)

In Chinese, '圣诞节' is used to represent the holiday celebrated on December 25th, just as 'Christmas' is in English. It can be used in several contexts such as wishing someone a merry Christmas, or discussing holiday plans.

Example sentences with  圣诞节
庆祝 (qìng zhù)

The Chinese word '庆祝' is used to convey the act of acknowledging a significant or happy day or event with an enjoyable activity or special ceremony, similar to the English word 'celebrate'. It is often associated with festivities, joyous gatherings, and commemorative occasions.

Example sentences with  庆祝
开幕 (kāi mù)

In Chinese, '开幕' is used to describe the beginning or start of an event, scene, or situation, akin to 'opening' in English. It is often used in formal contexts such as the opening of a meeting, an art exhibition, or a new building.

Example sentences with  开幕
活动 (huódòng)

In Chinese, '活动' is used to describe an organized occasion such as a social gathering or sports match. Essentially, it can be used to refer to any incident or occurrence that takes place and involves some level of planning.

烟花 (yān huā)

The Chinese word '烟花' is used to refer to fireworks. It is commonly used during celebrations or festivals in China, especially during Lunar New Year to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.

Example sentences with  烟花
目击者 (mùjìzhě)

The Chinese term '目击者', pronounced as 'mùjìzhě', refers to a person who has personally seen something occur, especially a crime or accident. This word is commonly used in legal and criminal contexts, similar to its usage in English, and can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation.

礼物 (lǐ wù)

The Chinese word for gift is '礼物', which is often used in the same context as in English. It can be used to refer to a present or contribution given to someone else as a sign of affection, appreciation or congratulations. This word is common in personal exchanges and social contexts.

Example sentences with  礼物
聚会 (jù huì)

The Chinese word for 'party' is '聚会'. It is used to refer to a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. In a sentence you could use it like this: '我周末要参加一个聚会' ('I have a party to attend this weekend').

香槟 (xiāng bīn)

The Chinese word '香槟' is used exactly like the English word 'champagne'. It can refer to the sparkling wine itself, or situations/events where such a wine is being enjoyed.

Example sentences with  香槟
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