Chinese Chinese Vocabulary for Behavior

Explore Chinese words related to the concept of behavior. Expand your vocabulary with terms describing actions and attitudes.

奉献 (fèngxiàn)

In Chinese, the word '奉献' carries the same meaning as 'dedication' in English, signifying the act of selflessly committing oneself to a certain task or cause. It is often used in the context of work, studies, or in reference to one's passion in life.

尊重 (zūn zhòng)

The Chinese term '尊重' directly translates to 'respect' in English. This term is widely used in Chinese culture across all aspects, whether family, school, or social relationships. It reflects the value of acknowledging the views, feelings, space, and rights of others. Replacing it in subjects or objects in sentence expresses the act of respect.

Example sentences with  尊重
技能 (ji4 neng2)

The Chinese word for 'skill' is '技能'. It is a commonly used noun in Mandarin. It can apply to various categories ranging from physical abilities, intellectual competencies to special crafts. As in English, '技能' can be used to indicate someone's particular ability to execute or accomplish a task with proficiency.

Example sentences with  技能
支持 (zhī chí)

The Chinese word '支持' is used similarly to the English word 'support'. It can be used both in the context of providing emotional or moral support, and in the context of providing physical support. For example, one can '支持' a friend who is going through a difficult time, or a pillar can '支持' a building.

改进 (Gǎijìn)

In Chinese, '改进' refers to the enhancement or betterment of something already established. It can be used in a variety of scenarios from professional work to personal development, and implies a progressive change towards something better. It carries a positive connotation and suggests growth and development.

理解 (lǐ jiě)

The Chinese word '理解' is used when expressing comprehension or grasping the meaning, significance, or nature of something or someone. It is often used in a context where one person is gaining insight or comprehension of knowledge from text, another individual, or a situation. The word can be used in formal or informal settings and is common in both spoken and written Chinese.

耐心 (nai4 xin1)

The Chinese word '耐心' is directly translated as 'patience' in English. It's widely used in sentences like '你需要有耐心' meaning 'You need to have patience'. It's a common vocabulary in everyday Mandarin conversation, and often used to express the necessity of calm endurance or tolerance.

表现 (biǎo xiàn)

In Chinese, '表现' is used to describe one's behavior or conduct in a certain situation. It can refer to both good and bad behaviors. The context of the sentence usually indicates what kind of behavior is being referred to.

追求 (zhuī qiú)

The Chinese word '追求' is used in similar context to its English counterpart 'pursue'. It can mean to strive to achieve or obtain something in the face of adversity, such as a life goal, a romantic interest or an academic discipline. It also includes the sense of continuous efforts.

Example sentences with  追求
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