Chinese Adverbs Study Guide

Discover the role of adverbs in Chinese language. Learn their categories, formation, position in sentences, and comparison.

到期 (dào qī)

The Chinese word '到期' is often used to mean 'due'. It is generally used in context of something that is expected or needs to occur, such as the due date of a payment or task. Just like in English, '到期' is used in a variety of situations which require timing or scheduling.

Example sentences with  到期
前方 (qián fāng)

The Chinese word '前方' is used to denote something or someone in front and far off. It can be used to represent future or direction in a metaphorical and literal sense respectively.

单独 (dān dú)

The Chinese word '单独' is used to describe when something or someone is by itself or by themselves. It can be used in various contexts, like when expressing individualism or the solitary state of an object, person or action.

Example sentences with  单独
原本 (yuán běn)

The Chinese word '原本' is used to indicate something that exists from the beginning or in the initial stage. In general, it can be used similarly to 'originally' in English, emphasizing the initial condition or situation. It's also commonly used to discuss the original version or form of something.

Example sentences with  原本
反而 (fǎn ér)

In Chinese, '反而' is used in a similar way to 'instead' in English, expressing that contrary to what might be expected, a different action or situation happened or will happen. It is often used in situations where there is a choice between two or more alternatives.


The Chinese word '只' is used to represent the meaning of the English word 'only'. It is often used to indicate exclusivity or limitation in quantity or scope. However, the usage may vary depending on the context.

只是 (zhǐ shì)

In Chinese, '只是' is often used to mean 'just' or 'only'. It usually precedes a statement to assert its exclusivity or limitation. It can also mean 'merely' or 'simply', often used to deemphasize or minimize the significance of what follows.

可怕的 (kě pà de)

In Chinese, '可怕的' is used similar to the English word 'terribly'. It can be used before adjectives to emphasize the intensity, often in a negative sense. Note that the literal translation is 'frightening' or 'scary', yet it's the connotation attached that mimics the usage of 'terribly'.

Example sentences with  可怕的
同样地 (tóng yàng dì)

The Chinese word '同样地' translates to 'equally' in English. It is used in the same context as in English – to mean 'in equal measure' or 'to the same degree'. It is often used when comparing two or more things or situations, expressing that they are the same or similar.

后面 (hòu miàn)

In Chinese, '后面' refers to the position or state of being at the back of something or someone. It's used similarly to the English usage of the word 'behind', and can be employed in a variety of contexts such as in terms of physical location or in terms of ranking or order (as in 'behind' someone in a line).

否则 (fǒu zé)

The Chinese word '否则' is used in the same context as 'else' in English. It is usually used in hypothetical situations or to introduce the alternative or remaining items after considering all other possibilities.

周围 (zhōu wéi)

The Chinese word '周围' is used to convey the meaning of 'around' as in surrounding or in the vicinity. It is used both in literal and figurative sense. It can describe the location of something or someone in physical space, or refer to the surrounding circumstances or environment.

哪里都不 (nǎlǐ dōu bù)

The Chinese equivalent of the word 'nowhere' is '哪里都不', usually used in phrases or sentences, not often used alone. It's use is context dependent and it directly translates to 'nowhere' in English.

因此 (yīn cǐ)

The Chinese word '因此' is often used in formal written or spoken Chinese to mean 'therefore' or 'thus'. It's typically used to illustrate a cause-and-effect relationship between two clauses. Finding the right context for using '因此' requires some practice since it is not always used the same way as 'thus' is in English.

国外 (guó wài)

The Chinese word '国外' is the literal translation of the English word 'abroad'. This phrase is often used in sentences when referring to countries outside of China. Like in English, it can refer to simply being out of the country or going overseas for a trip or for studying.

Example sentences with  国外

The Chinese word '圆' (yuán) translates to 'round' in English. It is often used to describe the shape of objects. For instance, a round table in Chinese would be referred to as '圆桌' (yuán zhuō).

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '在' is used to express the state or action of being located in a place or exact location. It is equivalent to the English preposition 'in'. The word '在' is also used to indicate an action that is currently happening, similar to the English present progressive tense (e.g., I am doing something).

在...下面 (zài...xiàmiàn)

This Chinese word '在...下面' translates to 'under' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, usually for indicating the position or location of something that is beneath or covered by another thing. For example, 在桌子下面 (under the table).

在...之内 (zài...zhī nèi)

The Chinese phrase '在...之内' is equivalent to 'within' in English. It is used to indicate that something is inside or contained in another thing. It is widely applicable in various contexts, such as time, space, range, etc.

在哪里 (zài nǎlǐ)

The word '在哪里' in Chinese is used to inquire about the position or place of the subject matter similar to how 'Where' is used in English. It can be used in middle or at the end of sentences. It is commonly used in questions to ask about location.


The Chinese word '坏' is used similarly as 'bad' in English. It can be applied in many settings such as referring to quality (bad quality), behavior (bad behavior), or personal characteristics (he is a bad person).

Example sentences with  
基本上 (jī běn shàng)

The Chinese word '基本上' is used similarly to the English word 'basically'. It is often used to signify something fundamental or the most important aspects of something. It can also be used to begin an explanation or statement. For example, you could say '基本上, 我们每天都会做运动', which translates to 'Basically, we exercise every day.'

Example sentences with  基本上
大声 (dà shēng)

The Chinese word for 'loud' is '大声'. It is used similarly to the English word 'loud', to describe sounds that are strong or intense. Often it's used in the context of someone talking or music playing loudly, among other scenarios.

Example sentences with  大声
大多数 (dà duō shù)

The Chinese word '大多数' is an adverb, similar to the English term 'mostly'. It is commonly used to describe when something happens or is true in most cases, but not all. For example, when you want to express that most people in a group have a certain opinion or characteristic.

Example sentences with  大多数
大概 (dà gài)

The Chinese word '大概' is used in the same context as 'roughly' in English. It's used to give an approximate value or estimation. For instance, in measuring quantities, time, or describing non-specific, general scenarios. Just like in English, it could be used at the beginning or end of a statement to denote uncertainty or approximation.

Example sentences with  大概
奇怪 (qí guài)

The word '奇怪' in Chinese is used to describe something unusual or unexpected, similar to the English term 'strange'. It can be used in both positive and negative contexts. For example, you might use it to describe a fascinatingly unusual artwork or a situation that is inexplicably odd.

Example sentences with  奇怪
好的 (hǎo de)

The Chinese word '好的' is used in the same way as the English word 'ok'. It is a common response to acknowledge agreement, understanding, or approval. Similarly, it can be used to approve or agree with a request or proposal.


In Chinese, 'as' is translated to '如' (rú). It is used in similar ways to English, often appearing in comparisons or hypotheticals. It can also mean 'like' or 'similar to' in various contexts.

如此 (rú cǐ)

In Chinese, '如此' is used similarly to the word 'so' in English. It can be used for emphasis, connection or to indicate the degree or extent of something. The term '如此' is commonly used in formal and written Chinese.

Example sentences with  如此
字面上 (zì miàn shàng)

'字面上' is a Chinese adverb that is used to emphasize that something is true exactly as it is written or said. It is used to stress that something is not an exaggeration, metaphor, or figure of speech.

Example sentences with  字面上
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