Chinese Adverbs Study Guide

Discover the role of adverbs in Chinese language. Learn their categories, formation, position in sentences, and comparison.

以上 (yǐ shàng)

The Chinese word '以上' is used to indicate something which is 'above' or 'more than'. It is less commonly used to refer to physical location than the English 'above', and is often used in formal or mathematical contexts.

Example sentences with  以上
以后 (yǐ hòu)

The Chinese word '以后' is used to refer to a period of time in the future. It is somewhat analogous to the English term 'later'. You could use it in sentences like 'we will do it later' which translates to '我们以后再做'.

任何 (rèn hé)

The Chinese word '任何' is used similarly to how 'any' is used in English, conveying the same non-specific or broad concept. It can be used in both positive and negative sentences. Like 'any' in English, '任何' can be used with both singular and plural nouns.

Example sentences with  任何
任何地方 (Rènhé dìfāng)

In Chinese, 'Anywhere' translates to '任何地方', which is used to refer to an unspecified or unknown location. Like the English word, 任何地方 can be used in various sentences and contexts, but it's generally used as an adverb. A typical usage could be: '你可以在任何地方找到我' (You can find me anywhere).

Example sentences with  任何地方
伟大 (wěi dà)

The word '伟大' in Chinese is used to express that something is outstanding or excellent. It is often used to praise people, achievements, or objects to demonstrate respect or admiration. For example, one might say: '他是一个伟大的科学家', which means 'He is a great scientist.'

但是 (dàn shì)

The Chinese word '但是' is similar to the English word 'but'. It is used as a conjunction to introduce something contrary to what was previously stated or to introduce a point of view that contrasts with one just expressed.


The Chinese word 低 is used to describe something that is not high or is below average in amount, intensity, or degree. It is typically used in the same context as the English word 'low'. It can be applied to a wide variety of situations, from describing physical height to metaphorically referencing a state of feeling or condition.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'live' is written as '住' and is frequently used to describe the act of dwelling or residing in a particular place in Mandarin Chinese. In some contexts, it can also refer to the act of experiencing or living through situations or events.

假的 (jia de)

In Chinese, the word '假的’ (pronounced jia de) is used to denote something false or not real. This usage is common in various contexts, whether it be referring to false news (假的新闻), false statements/falsities (假的声明) or even fake products (假的产品). Much like in English, it's used to identify or call out deception or lack of authenticity.

Example sentences with  假的
偶尔 (ǒu ěr)

The Chinese word '偶尔' is used to express the English concept of 'occasionally'. It means not something that happens frequently or on a regular basis, but sometimes or once in a while. For example, you can use it when you want to say that you see someone occasionally, indicating that you meet them sometimes but not all the time.

免费 (miǎn fèi)

The Chinese word '免费' is used to express that something is free of charge. It is used in the same context as 'free' is used in English, to denote that no payment or exchange is expected for a good or service.

公平 (gōng píng)

The Chinese word '公平' is used to describe a situation, person, or treatment perceived as just and impartial, similar to the use of word 'fair' in English. It is often used in various contexts involving justice, competition, and social scenarios. An example sentence is '这个决定是非常公平的。', which means 'This decision is very fair'.

公平地 (gōng píng de)

The Chinese word '公平地' translates to 'fairly' in English. It is an adverb used to denote something done in a fair and just manner. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, similar to the English counterpart. It is also often used to describe actions, situations, or behavior which are considered impartial or balanced.

Example sentences with  公平地

The Chinese word '关' is used in the context of turning something off such as a light or a machine. It can also refer to the act of closing, as in closing a door or a window.

Example sentences with  
关于 (guānyú)

The Chinese word '关于' is used in similar ways as 'about' in English. It can be used to refer broadly to the subject or content of something. An example in a sentence might be '我想和你谈谈关于我们的未来', meaning 'I want to talk to you about our future.'

其他地方 (qí tā dì fāng)

The Chinese word '其他地方' is used to refer to other places or locations. It can be used in various contexts, similar to the English word 'elsewhere'. For instance, you can use it when you want to suggest someone to go somewhere else, or when you're talking about different places in the world.

Example sentences with  其他地方
具体地 (jù tǐ de)

The Chinese word '具体地' is equivalent to the English word 'specifically'. It is used when you want to highlight a particular detail or fact. It is often used to make a point more explicit or clear.

Example sentences with  具体地
再次 (zài cì)

在中文中,'再次' 是一种常用表达方式,指的是某件事情的重复或继续出现。它可以用在各种情境中,既可以讨论做同样的事情,也可以讨论想再次经历某种感觉或体验。

最初 (zuì chū)

The Chinese word '最初' is similar to the English word 'initially'. It is often used in the beginning of a sentence to indicate the initial or starting point of an event or action. E.g. 最初,我不喜欢这部电影. (Initially, I did not like this movie.)

Example sentences with  最初
最后 (zuìhòu)

The Chinese word '最后' is used in a similar way as the English word 'last'. It can be used to refer to the final person or thing in a series, the final point or the end of a time period, or in several other situations where something comes after all others.

最多 (zui4 duo1)

In Mandarin Chinese, '最多' means 'most'. This word is a common way to express 'the greatest amount', 'the highest degree' or 'majority' of something in multiple contexts. For example, if you wanted to say 'he eats the most', you could say '他吃的最多'. Notice how '最多' is used after a verb and its object to signify a superlative degree in the action.

最好 (zuì hǎo)

In Chinese, '最好' is used to represent the superlative degree of good, which is equivalent to the English word 'best'. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the quality of things, results of a competition, or personal preferences, etc. Just like how 'best' is used in English.

最少 (zuì shǎo)

The Chinese word '最少' is generally used when referring to the minimal amount or degree of something, similar to how 'least' is used in English. It can be used in a range of contexts, whether talking about quantities, degrees, frequencies etc.

最终 (zuì zhōng)

In Chinese, we use '最终(zuì zhōng)' to convey the meaning of 'eventually.' It implies that something happens after a long time, or after a series of other events. It is often used in narratives to illustrate a conclusion or result.

最近 (zuìjìn)

In Chinese, '最近' is utilized in a similar context as the English word 'recently'. It is generally used to refer to a state or event that has occurred in the close past. It can be used in both conversational and formal settings.

几乎 (jī hū)

The Chinese word '几乎' is used to indicate that something is near to happening or being completed, similar to how 'almost' is used in English. It may precede an adjective or a verb. In affirmative sentences, it conveys the closeness to the realization of the action while in negative ones, it means 'hardly' or 'scarcely'.

几乎不 (jī hū bù)

In Chinese, '几乎不' means 'hardly'. It is used to express that something happens to such a small degree or frequency. It usually goes in front of a verb. Just like in English, it implies that the action is done with a lot of difficulty or not at all.

Example sentences with  几乎不

The Chinese word '出' translates to 'out' in English and can be used in context similar to English. It is commonly used as a verb that refers to going or coming out of somewhere. For example, 'He comes out of the room' translates to '他从房间出来'.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '到' is used similarly to the English preposition 'to'. It is often used to express the destination of a movement or change. Just like in English, '到' is used in various complex grammatical structures.

Example sentences with  
到处 (dào chù)

The Chinese word '到处' is similar to the English word 'everywhere'. It's used to represent every place or all directions within the context that it's used. For instance, it can be used in sentences like '他到处寻找她' meaning 'He is looking for her everywhere'.

Example sentences with  到处
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