Chinese Adjective Tag

A collection of words categorized under the tag 'adjective', used to describe or modify a noun.

容易 (róng yì)

The Chinese word '容易' is used to describe things that are not difficult, requiring little trouble or effort. It can be used in a similar context as the English word 'easy'. Example sentence: 这个问题很容易解决 (This problem is easy to solve).

宽的 (kuān de)

In Chinese, '宽的' is used to describe something that has a large distance or extent from side to side. Similar to English, it can be used to describe physical objects like streets or rivers, as well as more abstract concepts like a wide range of knowledge.

富有 (Fùyǒu)

In Chinese, 'rich' is translated to '富有' (Fùyǒu). This is generally used to refer to a person who possesses great material wealth. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is rich or abundant in another sense, like a rich history or a room rich with color.

Example sentences with  富有
对不起 (duì bù qǐ)

In Chinese, the word 'sorry' is translated as '对不起'. It is used in much the same way as in English, often to express regret or remorse for a mistake or inconvenience caused to others. However, in Chinese culture, this word will generally be used less frequently to convey minor inconveniences, preferring instead to express such sentiments in a somewhat indirect manner.

对的 (duì de)

In Chinese, '对的' generally means correct. It is often used to agree with a statement or to describe something or someone as being correct. However, its usage can be complex and varied based on the context of the sentence. Like English, Chinese nuances require understanding beyond direct translation for accurate use.


The Chinese word '小' is used to describe the size of an object or a thing, implying it is not large or it is less than average in size. It can be used for physical dimensions as well as metaphorical extension in aspects of age, quantity, degree, etc. It is used similar to how the word 'small' is used in the English language.

小心 (xiǎo xīn)

The Chinese word for 'careful' is '小心'. This term is often used to express caution or to be careful when dealing with things. It can also be used in the same context as in English, for example in sentences such as 'be careful with that glass' or 'be careful when you cross the road'.

Example sentences with  小心
小时 (xiǎoshí)

The Chinese word '小时' is used in much the same way as the English word 'hour'. It can signify a specific point in time or a duration. For example, it can be used to tell the time, like '3 小时 (three hours)' or it can be used to express the duration of an activity, like '我学习了一个小时 (I studied for an hour)'.

小说 (xiǎoshuō)

The Chinese word for 'novel' is '小说.' This term is commonly used to refer to written works of fiction that are typically longer in length. Unlike short stories, which are '短篇小说', '小说' can encompass a broad range of genres, from romance to science fiction.


The Chinese word '少' has the same meaning as 'few' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of quantity to describe a small number of items or people. In Chinese, it is usually placed before a noun to indicate that there is a small amount of something.

尖锐 (jiān ruì)

In Chinese, '尖锐' connotes both physical sharpness, such as the sharpness of a knife, as well as abstract sharpness, like a sharp mind or sharp criticism. It can be used in various contexts just like in English.

Example sentences with  尖锐
尴尬 (gān gà)

The Chinese word '尴尬' is used to denote the feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness, usually as a result of being in a socially uncomfortable or challenging situation. It can be used in various different contexts, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  尴尬
居民 (jū mín)

The Chinese word '居民' is used to refer to a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. It is similar to the English word 'resident'. It can be used in various contexts, such as in the phrase 'local residents' (当地居民), or 'apartment residents' (公寓居民).

Example sentences with  居民

The Chinese word for 'left' is '左', which is often used in everyday conversation and text. It can be used to describe direction, specifically the one to the left side. In addition, it's often used in combination with other words to describe objects or locations on the left side.

巨大 (jù dà)

The Chinese word '巨大' is used much like 'huge' in English. It is an adjective that can be used to describe anything big in size, amount or degree. It is often used in context such as to describe buildings, problems, difference and so on.

已婚 (yǐ hūn)

The Chinese word '已婚' refers to someone who is already legally bound in a marriage relationship. It can be used in various contexts such as stating one's marital status or to refer to someone who is married.

Example sentences with  已婚
已知 (Yǐzhī)

The Chinese word '已知' can be translated into English as 'known'. It is often used to refer to something or someone that is acknowledged or recognized. This word is commonly used in situations where information or facts have been established or identified.

Example sentences with  已知
市中心 (shì zhōng xīn)

The Chinese word '市中心' (shì zhōng xīn) literally translates to 'city center'. It is used to refer to an urban district, often the commercial, historical, or geographic heart of a city. It has a similar connotation to the English 'downtown', and is used in similar contexts.

师傅 (shī fù)

In Chinese, master is translated as '师傅' or 'shīfù'. It is often used to address highly skilled individuals, particularly in a certain field, or someone who teaches a craft. It could be a teacher, a martial arts instructor, a master of some other craft, a craftsman, or a trainer.

常数 (cháng shù)

In Chinese, '常数' is used to refer to a value or a parameter that does not change. It is commonly seen in scientific, mathematical and technical contexts. It is similar to how 'constant' is used in English.

常见 (chángjiàn)

The Chinese word '常见' means 'common'. It is usually used to describe something that often occurs or is frequently seen in daily life. For example, '这是一个常见的问题' in English means 'This is a common question'.

常见的 (cháng jiàn de)

In Chinese, the word 'usual' translates to '常见的' (changjian de). This term indicates something common or frequently encountered in daily life or certain situations. It can be used in a similar context as in English, such as describing usual routines, places, things, or people.

Example sentences with  常见的
常规 (cháng guī)

The Chinese word '常规' is used to indicate something that is done regularly or habitually. This could be a task, procedure, or exercise that one does as part of their daily or common practice. It is used in various contexts such as work, studies, workouts or any other everyday activities.

干净 (gān jìng)

The Chinese word for 'clean' is '干净'. It can be used in situations where you'd use 'clean' in English. For example, you can use it to describe someone's appearance, a tidy room, or even to order food without certain ingredients i.e. '干净' of something.

Example sentences with  干净
干燥 (gān zào)

The Chinese word '干燥' refers to the state of being free from liquid or moisture. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as to describe weather, skin conditions, or even a sense of humor. In Chinese, we would say '气候很干燥' (the climate is very dry) or '皮肤很干燥' (the skin is very dry).

平均 (píng jūn)

The Chinese word '平均' translates to 'average' in English. It is most commonly used to indicate the mean of a set of values, or express the concept of something being intermediate or mean. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as mathematics, when assessing a rating or grade or describing characteristics or qualities.

Example sentences with  平均
平的 (píng de)

The word '平的' in Chinese is commonly used to describe an surface without raised areas or depressions. It can be used to refer to a physical flat surface or also metaphorically to describe a lack of variety or change in a situation or plot in a story, comparable to the usage in English.

Example sentences with  平的
平静 (píng jìng)

The Chinese word '平静' is used to describe someone or something that is peaceful, quiet, and free from agitation or excitement. It can be used in various contexts, just like the English word 'calm'. It can refer to a person's state of mind, a quiet environment, or a peaceful scenario.

年度 (nián dù)

In Chinese, '年度' is used similarly to the English word 'annual', referring to something that happens or is used once every year. It is often used in context of events, reports, meetings, etc. that occur or are prepared once a year.

Example sentences with  年度
年轻 (niánqīng)

The word '年轻' is most commonly used in Chinese to describe someone who is youthful or young in age. It can also be used to refer to something that is new or fresh. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts.

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