Chinese Adjective Tag

A collection of words categorized under the tag 'adjective', used to describe or modify a noun.

信号 (xìn hào)

The Chinese word '信号' directly translates to 'signal' in English. It is primarily used to refer to a sign, a hint, or an indication, much like in English. It can also be used to refer to a signal in telecommunications. It can be used in various contexts like traffic signal (交通信号), signal light (信号灯), etc.

假的 (jia de)

In Chinese, the word '假的’ (pronounced jia de) is used to denote something false or not real. This usage is common in various contexts, whether it be referring to false news (假的新闻), false statements/falsities (假的声明) or even fake products (假的产品). Much like in English, it's used to identify or call out deception or lack of authenticity.

Example sentences with  假的
假装 (jiǎ-zhuāng)

The Chinese word '假装' is used similarly to the English word 'pretend'. It can be used to describe someone feigning an action, emotion, or physical state they actually do not possess, in order to deceive others for various purposes. It can be widely used in various context, for instance: pretending to be hurt, pretending to sleep etc.

Example sentences with  假装
储蓄 (chǔxù)

The Chinese word for savings is '储蓄'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the part of a person's income that is not spent but rather accumulated or invested. The term can be found in various contexts such as personal finance, banking, and economics.

Example sentences with  储蓄

The Chinese word for 'silly' is '傻'. It is used to refer to someone who acts in a foolish or senseless manner. In a less harsh tone, it could also mean someone who is carefree or naive. Just like in English, it is often used lightly to tease friends or loved ones.

Example sentences with  
先前 (xiān qián)

The Chinese word '先前' is analogous to 'prior' in English. It is typically used to reference something that occurred before a certain point in time. Just like 'prior', '先前' can be utilized in various contexts, including but not limited to discussing prior experiences, prior knowledge, or actions done prior to a specific event.

Example sentences with  先前

The Chinese word for 'light' is '光'. It is used to describe something that illuminates and can also refer to weight as in light or heavy. Moreover, '光' can signify the concept of light, as in visible light that we see, and bear the meaning of shine, radiate or brilliant. It can be used in multiple contexts, such as '看到了光' (saw the light), or '光线' (ray of light) etc.

光滑 (guāng huá)

The word '光滑' translates to 'smooth' in English. In Chinese, it is used to describe a surface that is free from unevenness, roughness, or projections, vis-à-vis its texture. It could also describe a process or action that happens without any problems or difficulties.

免费 (miǎn fèi)

The Chinese word '免费' is used to express that something is free of charge. It is used in the same context as 'free' is used in English, to denote that no payment or exchange is expected for a good or service.

全球 (quánqiú)

The Chinese word '全球' is used very similarly to the English word 'global'. It is used to refer to all parts of the world or to the entire scope of something. It can be used in contexts such as global economy ('全球经济'), global warming ('全球暖化'), or global market ('全球市场').

全面 (quánmiàn)

In Chinese, '全面' means comprehensive, referring to including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something. It is often used in academic, report, or business context to describe an in-depth and wide-ranging study, plan or analysis.

公平 (gōng píng)

The Chinese word '公平' is used to describe a situation, person, or treatment perceived as just and impartial, similar to the use of word 'fair' in English. It is often used in various contexts involving justice, competition, and social scenarios. An example sentence is '这个决定是非常公平的。', which means 'This decision is very fair'.

公开 (gōngkāi)

In Chinese, '公开' (gōngkāi) is widely used, also it literally meaning 'public'. It has a similar usage to the English term, used to describe things that are open to the general public or things that are not hidden or private. For example, '公开课' (gōngkāi kè) is a public/open class in China.


The Chinese word '关' is used in the context of turning something off such as a light or a machine. It can also refer to the act of closing, as in closing a door or a window.

Example sentences with  
关于 (guānyú)

The Chinese word '关于' is used in similar ways as 'about' in English. It can be used to refer broadly to the subject or content of something. An example in a sentence might be '我想和你谈谈关于我们的未来', meaning 'I want to talk to you about our future.'

关键 (guānjiàn)

In Chinese, '关键' (guānjiàn) means critical or key. It can be used in many contexts similarly to the English word, from '关键问题' (key issue), '关键时刻' (critical moment), to '关键人物' (key person); it denotes something of most importance or the pivotal factor in a situation.

Example sentences with  关键
其他 (qí tā)

The Chinese word '其他' is regularly used to refer to additional or different societal elements or scenarios not previously mentioned. It facilitates the discussion of variation and multiplicity, often used in a similar context as 'other' is in English.

典型 (diǎn xíng)

The Chinese word '典型' is used similarly to the English word 'typical', to describe something that is representative of a type. This could apply to a wide range of contexts, including types of behaviour, phenomena, objects, persons, etc. So, you could use '典型' in sentences like '他是个典型的学生' (He is a typical student).

Example sentences with  典型
内容 (nèi róng)

The word '内容' in Chinese is used to refer to the subject matter or topics covered in a book, speech, movie, or some form of communication. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'content'. It can also refer to satisfaction or comfort in a similar way to English.

内心 (nèi xīn)

The Chinese word '内心' is used to mean 'inner' in English. It is often used when referring to someone's inner thoughts, feelings, and state. It could also be used to refer to something that lies within a material structure, analogously to how we use 'inner' in English.

Example sentences with  内心
内部 (nèi bù)

The Chinese word '内部' translates to 'internal' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the inside or interior of something, often in more formal or technical contexts. It can be used in various phrases and sentences, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  内部
最后 (zuìhòu)

The Chinese word '最后' is used in a similar way as the English word 'last'. It can be used to refer to the final person or thing in a series, the final point or the end of a time period, or in several other situations where something comes after all others.

最多 (zui4 duo1)

In Mandarin Chinese, '最多' means 'most'. This word is a common way to express 'the greatest amount', 'the highest degree' or 'majority' of something in multiple contexts. For example, if you wanted to say 'he eats the most', you could say '他吃的最多'. Notice how '最多' is used after a verb and its object to signify a superlative degree in the action.

最大 (zuì dà)

最大 or 'zuì dà' is used in Chinese language to represent the largest or biggest amount/degree in some aspect. Its usage is generally the same as 'maximum' in English. It could refer to the greatest extent, the upper limit, the highest degree, or most extreme.

Example sentences with  最大
最好 (zuì hǎo)

In Chinese, '最好' is used to represent the superlative degree of good, which is equivalent to the English word 'best'. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the quality of things, results of a competition, or personal preferences, etc. Just like how 'best' is used in English.

最小 (zuì xiǎo)

The Chinese word '最小' represents the smallest or least possible amount or degree, the same as 'minimum' in English. It is often used in contexts like mathematics, statistics, and everyday life to compare quantities.

Example sentences with  最小
最少 (zuì shǎo)

The Chinese word '最少' is generally used when referring to the minimal amount or degree of something, similar to how 'least' is used in English. It can be used in a range of contexts, whether talking about quantities, degrees, frequencies etc.

最近的 (zuì jìn de)

The Chinese word '最近的' is used in contexts similar to the English word 'recent' and can refer to something happening or appearing a short time ago. However, it can also refer to physical proximity, similar to 'nearest' in English.

to be cold

The Chinese word “冷” (lěng) literally translates to 'cold', and it’s used in much the same way as in English: to indicate low temperatures or lack of warmth. You can use it to describe the weather, beverages and food, emotions, or even situations.

Example sentences with  
准备好了 (zhǔn bèi hǎo le)

The Chinese phrase '准备好了' is used similar to the English word 'ready'. It is used to indicate that something or someone is prepared or in a suitable state to do something.

Example sentences with  准备好了
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