Chinese Adjective Tag

A collection of words categorized under the tag 'adjective', used to describe or modify a noun.

西方 (xī fāng)

The Chinese word '西方' translates to 'western' in English. In China, it is typically used to describe things, cultures, or people from the Western part of the world typically associated with Europe and America. For instance, it's used in contrast with '东方' (Eastern), to differentiate between the two broad culture systems.

Example sentences with  西方
要么 (yào me)

The Chinese word '要么' is used in the same context as 'either' in English. It is often used to indicate one out of two or more choices or options. Primarily, '要么' is used in two situations in Mandarin Chinese. It can be used to specify two alternatives or suggest two or more choices to solve a problem. It is necessary to keep in mind context and sentence structure to use the word effectively.

规律 (guī lǜ)

The Chinese word '规律' is used to describe something that follows a fixed pattern or a repetitive sequence. It is often used to describe things like habits, routines or systems that have a consistent and regular manner of operation or behavior.

Example sentences with  规律
角落 (jiǎo luò)

角落 (jiǎo luò) in Chinese refers to the point or area where two lines or edges meet, typically at 90 degrees, such as the corner of a room or street. It can also metaphorically describe a remote or secluded place. It is used similarly to the way 'corner' is used in English. Variants of the word, like street corner (街角 - jiējiǎo), can also be used in conjunction with other words to provide a more specific description.

Example sentences with  角落
计数 (jì shǔ)

The Chinese word '计数' is used to express the act of counting or enumeration, similar to how the English word 'count' is used. It is usually used in contexts such as mathematics, inventory monitoring or enumeration of any type.

Example sentences with  计数
许多 (xǔ duō)

'许多' is a common word used in the Chinese language to indicate a large number or quantity. It can be used similarly to the English word 'many'. For example, in the context of 'There are many people at the park', you would say '公园里有许多人'.

设置 (shèzhì)

The word '设置' means 'to set or fix something'. It's often used in instructional contexts, such as set up your account or set your password. It's also used in daily life conversation, for example, set the clock. However, 'set' is a extremely versatile word in English and has different meanings in different contexts, so the Chinese translation can also vary according to the context.

Example sentences with  设置
访问 (fangwen)

In Chinese, '访问' or 'fangwen' is primarily used to refer to access in the context of visiting or inspecting. It can be used in both online contexts, i.e. to access a website, or in real-life scenarios, i.e. to access a place or a person.

Example sentences with  访问
诚实 (chéng shí)

The Chinese word '诚实' is used to describe someone who always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal. It's a character trait that is highly valued in Chinese culture. It can also be used to describe things that are simple, direct, and straightforward.

Example sentences with  诚实
负责 (fù zé)

In Chinese, '负责' (fù zé) is used to express the state of being responsible. It can indicate a person's accountability, duty, or obligation towards something or someone. The word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in a business setting where an individual can be '负责' for a specific task, project, or department.

Example sentences with  负责
财务 (cái wù)

In Chinese, '财务' is used just as 'financial' is used in English, referring to matters related to money and finance. It can be found in various contexts, such as '财务报告' (financial report), '财务管理' (financial management), or '财务状况' (financial condition).

贫穷 (pín qióng)

In Chinese, '贫穷' is used to describe a state of not having enough money for basic necessities or comforts of life. Its usage is similar to that of 'poor' in English, it can be used in various contexts such as when describing someone's financial status, an underdeveloped area, or in a metaphoric sense reflecting a lack of something.

超级 (chāo jí)

In Chinese, super is translated as '超级' (chāojí). It is often used as an adjective to mean 'above average' or 'outstanding' in English. It can be used before nouns, like '超级市场' for 'supermarket', '超级英雄' for 'superhero', etc. Also it often appears in advertisements, movie names or books to indicate this is a superior product or work.

Example sentences with  超级
足够 (zú gòu)

The Chinese word '足够' is used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'enough'. It can be used to express sufficiency in terms of quantity or quality. For example, you can say '我有足够的食物' to mean 'I have enough food.'

跳跃 (tiào yuè)

跳跃 is the Chinese translation for the English word 'jump'. It is a verb and used to express the action of propelling oneself upwards or over a distance, typically into the air, by sudden muscular effort. In everyday conversation, it can be used in different contexts such as physical activities, emotional states, and transitions.

Example sentences with  跳跃
轻微 (qīng wēi)

In Mandarin Chinese, the word '轻微' (qīng wēi) is used to refer to something that is minor, small or slight. It can be used in many different contexts, such as describing a slight change, a slight smile, or a slight error. It can be used similarly to the way 'slight' is used in English.

Example sentences with  轻微
较低 (jiào dī)

The Chinese word '较低' is used similarly to the English term 'lower'. It can be used to refer to a position, level, or value that is lesser than another, or it can describe the action of reduction or the act of bringing something down. Just like in English, it is context-dependent and can be used in various grammatical constructions.

Example sentences with  较低
辉煌 (huīhuáng)

In Chinese, '辉煌' (huīhuáng) is used to describe something which is magnificent or outstanding. It is often used to describe an accomplishment, a beautiful scene or object, or even a period of time, such as a 'brilliant era'. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  辉煌

The Chinese word '过' can be used to indicate a state of 'having been through' or 'having done' something. It is largely used similar to 'over' in English, often used in a past tense context to indicate that an event or action has been completed or passed. Also, it is a common word used in daily life.

过去 (guò qù)

In Chinese, the word '过去' is the direct translation for 'past' and it is used to refer to something that happened previously or in earlier times. This word is commonly used in everyday conversation and in various contexts, just like it's English counterpart.


In Chinese, '近' is used to express the meaning of close. It could be used to refer to physical closeness, such as in distance, or to the intimacy between relationships. Like English, it can also be used in a temporal sense to refer to things that are near in time.

这个 (zhè ge)

The Chinese word '这个' is the equivalent of the English word 'this'. It is used to denote something that is close to the speaker and the listener. It could indicate an idea, a person, an object or even a place that is within the immediate context or situation.

这些 (zhèxiē)

The Chinese word '这些' is equivalent to 'these' in English. It is a demonstrative pronoun used to indicate a specific group of people or things close to the speaker in physical or psychological space. It is often followed by a noun, though the noun is sometimes omitted if clear from the context.

这样 (zhèyàng)

The Chinese word '这样' translated as 'such' in English, is used to refer to the degree or extent of something. It is commonly used in sentences like 'I didn't think it would be such a big deal' which would translate to '我没想到会是这样的大事'.


The Chinese word for 'far' is '远', which is often used to describe a distance that is a long way off. It can relate to physical distance, as in the space between two places, but can also be used metaphorically to describe, for instance, a future event that is a long way off (远期 'yuǎn qī'). It is frequently used in a variety of contexts in the Chinese language.

Example sentences with  
连接 (lián jiē)

The Chinese word '连接' is used similarly to the English word 'connect'. It can be used to indicate the idea of linking, attaching or joining two or more things together. For instance, in the context of internet or technology, '连接' may refer to establishing a network connection. In a social or relational context, '连接' may refer to establishing or making a connection or relationship with someone.

Example sentences with  连接
适合 (shì hé)

The Chinese word '适合' is used similar to how we use 'fit' in English. It can mean fitting in a physical sense, such as a piece of clothing or an object fitting in a certain space. However, it can also be used in a more abstract sense to mean that something is suitable or appropriate.

适当 (shìdàng)

The Chinese word '适当' is used similarly to the English word 'appropriate'. It is used to describe something that is suitable or fitting in a specific situation, context, or condition. This can pertain to behaviour, clothing, decisions, measures etc. It can also suggest moderation, as in not too much or too little.

Example sentences with  适当
适当的 (shìdàng de)

The Chinese word '适当的' (shìdàng de) is used similarly to the English word 'proper'. It's an adjective that can describe something as suitable, appropriate, or correct. Just as in English, it can be used in a wide variety of contexts.

逃跑 (táo pǎo)

The Chinese word '逃跑' is used in situations similar to English - such as escaping from a dangerous situation or escaping from school. It is a commonly used term and has the same connotative usage in both languages.

Example sentences with  逃跑
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