Chinese Adjective Tag

A collection of words categorized under the tag 'adjective', used to describe or modify a noun.

睿智 (ruì zhì)

In Chinese, '睿智' is used to describe someone who has or shows experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It can also be used in a more specialized context to refer to the sagacious or astute, showing a profound understanding and insightful viewpoints.


The Chinese word '短' is used to describe the physical length, duration or measure of something that is not long or not as long as usual. It can be used similarly to the English word 'short', both in literal and metaphorical contexts such as 'short hair' (短发) or 'short video' (短视频).

确定 (quèdìng)

In Chinese, 确定 is used when we want to indicate something has been decided or is certain. It can be used as a verb to confirm or decide. For example, if a Chinese speaker says '我已经确定了', they mean 'I have decided' or 'It is certain'.

视觉 (Shì jué)

The Chinese term for 'visual' is '视觉', which is typically used in the same context as in English, meaning anything related to the faculty or power to see. This term can be used in a variety of settings, ranging from everyday conversations, to academic and professional fields such as art, design and medicine.

Example sentences with  视觉
私人的 (sī rén de)

The word '私人的' in Chinese is used similarly as 'private' in English. It refers to something that is specific to an individual or a selected group of people rather than the public. For instance, '私人的信息' would mean 'private information', and '私人的财产 would mean 'private property'.

秘密 (mìmì)

The Chinese word '秘密' is similar to the English word 'secret' and it is used in the same way to mean something that is meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. This can be a piece of information or a fact that one person or a small group of people know about, and that other people are not allowed to know.

Example sentences with  秘密
积极 (ji1 ji2)

In Chinese, the word '积极' reflects the meaning of 'positive'. It can be used in several contexts, especially when describing a person's attitude or behavior. It conveys a sense of enthusiasm, optimism, and being proactive.

稀有 (xī yǒu)

The Chinese word '稀有' is used to describe something that is not found in large numbers and therefore is of interest or value. It can be used to describe objects, events, or qualities that are uncommon or infrequent. It is often used in contexts like gemstones, species, events, etc.

Example sentences with  稀有

In Chinese, '空' means 'empty'. It is used in various contexts such as to imply the lack of something (emotion, substance, people, etc), emptiness, or the concept of absence. Example in a sentence could be: '这个房间是空的'('This room is empty').

Example sentences with  
空白 (kòng bái)

In Chinese, '空白' refers to a space that is empty or lacks content. It can be used in various contexts similar to the English word 'blank', such as referring to a blank space in a document, a blank expression on someone’s face, or blank period of time with no activities planned.

Example sentences with  空白
立即 (lì jí)

The Chinese word '立即' is used to show something is occurring right now or without any delay. It conveys a sense of urgency just like the English word 'immediate.' It is often used in situations where a particular action or decision needs to be made or taken instantly.

Example sentences with  立即
竞争力 (jìng zhēng lì)

The Chinese word '竞争力' is used to describe the ability or potential of an individual or organization to compete against others. Similar to English, it is often used in contexts such as sports, business or any field that involves competition.

Example sentences with  竞争力
第一 (dì yī)

The Chinese term for 'first' is '第一', which is used the same way as in English when referring to position or order in a sequence. For example, '第一名' means 'first place'.

等价 (děng jià)

In Chinese, '等价' is used to describe things that have the same value, worth, or significance as something else. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as mathematics, economics, and general comparison of things or concepts.

Example sentences with  等价
简单 (jiǎn dān)

In Chinese, '简单' is an adjective that represents something that is not difficult, is easy to understand or deal with. It could be used in various contexts such as describing a process, an object or a person's characteristic.

简短 (jiǎn duǎn)

The Chinese word '简短' is used to describe something that is short in length or duration. This can apply to physical objects or periods of time, but is most commonly used in spoken or written Chinese to refer to text or speeches that are concise or not long-winded. For instance, you can use '简短' to describe a short message, a brief explanation, or a quick meeting.

Example sentences with  简短
粗糙 (cū cāo)

The Chinese word '粗糙' is often used to describe a rough texture or surface in physical contexts. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe an unrefined or crude concept or behavior. It is also part of common phrases like '粗糙的皮肤' (rough skin) or '粗糙的想法' (rough idea). The antonym in Chinese would be '光滑' which means smooth.

精确 (jīng què)

The Chinese word '精确' is an adjective that can be used to describe the characteristic of being precise or exact. It can be used in a similar context as 'exact' in English, often to represent accuracy or precision in numerical, factual or technical description.

Example sentences with  精确
精神的 (jīngshén de)

The Chinese word '精神的' refers to anything relating to the human spirit or soul, not just the physical or material aspects. It is used to refer the things related to religion, spirits, ghost, or culture, commonly used in literature, philosophy, and daily conversation.

Example sentences with  精神的

In Chinese, '紧' is used to describe something that is fixed or fastened securely in position. It can be in both physical context like 'a tight knot' or abstract context like 'a tight schedule'. Also, can imply the state of being barely sufficient, as in 'tight on money'.

紧急 (jǐn jí)

In Chinese, 'emergency' is translated as '紧急'. It is used in situations that need immediate action or attention, like an emergency room in a hospital is called '紧急治疗室'. It can also be used as an adjective before terms like '情况' or '措施', which mean situation and measures respectively, to represent an emergency situation or emergency measures.

Example sentences with  紧急
紫色 (zǐ sè)

The Chinese word '紫色' is used to describe the color purple. It is used the same way as in English, to describe the color of objects or things. For example, you can use '紫色' to describe the color of a flower, a dress, or anything else that is purple.

Example sentences with  紫色

The Chinese word for 'red' is '红'. It is commonly used to denote color of things, symbolizing good fortune and joy. In China, red is traditionally used in wedding ceremonies and festivals. It is also used in names, signs and symbols to bring good luck.

纯洁 (chún jié)

The Chinese word '纯洁' is similar to 'pure' in English. It's often used to describe something that's free from any harmful substances, with no adulteration, taint, or corruption. This word can be used to describe objects, substances or even ideas and feelings.

经典 (jīngdiǎn)

The Chinese word '经典' literally translates to 'classic'. It is used to refer to something that has been judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. For instance, a classic piece of literature, film, music, etc. It can also be used to describe anything that is typical or traditional.

Example sentences with  经典
绝望 (jue2 wang4)

The Chinese word '绝望' is equivalent to the English word 'desperate'. It can be used similarly in sentences, such as to describe situations or feelings that leave you with little hope or feeling of despair. It is pronounced as 'jue wang' in Pinyin.

绿色 (lǜsè)

The Chinese word for 'green' is '绿色' (lǜsè). It is commonly used to refer to the color itself or to describe things that are green in color. In the Chinese culture, green traditionally symbolizes health, prosperity, and harmony.

美丽 (měi lì)

美丽 is a commonly used word in Mandarin Chinese which is used to describe something or someone that is beautiful pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. It's a positive adjective often used in compliments, and can apply to both physical and abstract beauty.

美妙 (měimiào)

美妙 (měimiào) is often used to describe a feeling or something that is excellent or great in Chinese. It is an adjective and is commonly used to describe experiences, sounds, feelings etc. which are very pleasing, beautiful, and of high quality.

Example sentences with  美妙

The Chinese word '老' is used to describe both human aging and things that are old, obsolete or vintage. It is also often used to signify respect for a person, such as a teacher, leader, or senior.

Example sentences with  
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