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Chinese Sample Chinese Vocab


In the Chinese language, '开' is a translation of the English word 'on' and it is primarily used to state that something is turned on or in operation. Its usage can be similar to the English use of 'on' as in examples like 'the light is on' or 'the computer is on', where in Chinese we may say '灯开了' or '电脑开了'.

Example sentences with  
设置 (shèzhì)

The word '设置' means 'to set or fix something'. It's often used in instructional contexts, such as set up your account or set your password. It's also used in daily life conversation, for example, set the clock. However, 'set' is a extremely versatile word in English and has different meanings in different contexts, so the Chinese translation can also vary according to the context.

Example sentences with  设置
诗人 (shī rén)

In Chinese, '诗人' is used to refer to a person who composes poetry. This can range from ancient classical poets to modern contemporary poets. It can be used in a number of contexts, usually referring to one's occupation or in discussions about literature and arts.

Example sentences with  诗人
资本 (zī běn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'capital' is translated as '资本'. This word is used in similar contexts as it is in English and can relate to financial capital or a city that serves as the seat of government. The usage depends on the context of the sentence. Capital is an important concept in both economics and political science.

Example sentences with  资本
额外 (é wài)

The Chinese word '额外' is used similarly to the English word 'extra'. It refers to something that is in addition to what is usual or expected, or more than the usual amount. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in '额外的费用' (extra fee), '额外的工作' (extra work), or '额外的时间' (extra time).

Example sentences with  额外

In Chinese, '餐' is a noun that basically means 'meal'. It is a universal term for any type of meal and doesn't refer to any specific kind of food. Just like in English, it can be used to indicate breakfast, lunch, or dinner based on the context. For example, '早餐' means 'breakfast', '午餐' means 'lunch', and '晚餐' means 'dinner'.

Example sentences with  
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